School Shooting

Jesus said “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Let’s pray together.

Anyone who thinks that a school shooting is 'god calling his children home' is demented and should not be anywhere near a position of power.
The whole thing could have been prevented if the two yellow bellied cops who got into a shootout with the killer before he even entered the school followed him in instead of cowering behind their cars waiting for backup while they heard the sounds of children being murdered inside.
The whole thing could have been prevented if the two yellow bellied cops who got into a shootout with the killer before he even entered the school followed him in instead of cowering behind their cars waiting for backup while they heard the sounds of children being murdered inside. Originally Posted by CrispHundos

The whole thing could had been prevented if guns weren't made more readily available in Texas a few months/weeks before the shooting.

It's harder to buy a car than it is to buy a gun.
berryberry's Avatar
The whole thing could had been prevented if guns weren't made more readily available in Texas a few months/weeks before the shooting.

It's harder to buy a car than it is to buy a gun. Originally Posted by onawbtngr546
You are spewing misinformation and outright lies

Our rating: False
Based on our research, we rate FALSE the claim that a new permitless carry law lets Texans buy a gun without a background check. HB1927, passed in June, lets legal gun owners have concealed or visible weapons on them without a special carry permit. It doesn't change gun purchase and ownership regulations.
berryberry's Avatar
By the way - Hunter Biden lied on a Form 4473 to illegally purchase a gun, a felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison & a $250K fine. His girlfriend then dumped that gun in the trash next to a school. He wasn’t even arrested. Why don’t we enforce existing laws before demanding new ones?

Any kid can walk into Home Depot and for $10 and 20 minutes of their time build a functional 12 gauge, no ID required. I wasn't aware that we started requiring FBI background checks to buy a car.
... Maybe there should be. ... Look how many cars kill people every year.

#### Salty
The whole thing could have been prevented if the two yellow bellied cops who got into a shootout with the killer before he even entered the school followed him in instead of cowering behind their cars waiting for backup while they heard the sounds of children being murdered inside. Originally Posted by CrispHundos
I did not hear that. That’s insane! Cowards.
bambino's Avatar
The whole thing could have been prevented if the two yellow bellied cops who got into a shootout with the killer before he even entered the school followed him in instead of cowering behind their cars waiting for backup while they heard the sounds of children being murdered inside. Originally Posted by CrispHundos
Same thing happened at Parkland.
berryberry's Avatar
Same thing happened at Parkland. Originally Posted by bambino
A fatherless home. A known wolf. Explicit threats. Cops cowering outside while the gunman roamed the school unmolested. This is beginning to sound a lot like the Parkland shooting.

And yet the corrupt regime lies to you and tells you the problem is the 2nd Amendment.
If you were a gunman looking to go out in a blaze of glory & take out as many people as you can for whatever sick reason, would you go to a Police Station? Military Base? Courthouse? Maybe a Mall? Nope. You'd pick the easiest target where no one is really armed and those that are are most likely not trained.

Its a sick world anymore. I only wish they did NOT kill the shooter. Let him stay in Prison with those nice inmates who have kids at home.

24 hours later and Faux news proposes 50 'solutions' but none of the address guns. Some of them are even 'use more gun'

That's the same thing as you saying your food is too salty, and the chef recommending you add some more salt, sea salt, kosher salt, etc to your meal.
chizzy's Avatar

24 hours later and Faux news proposes 50 'solutions' but none of the address guns. Some of them are even 'use more gun'

That's the same thing as you saying your food is too salty, and the chef recommending you add some more salt, sea salt, kosher salt, etc to your meal. Originally Posted by onawbtngr546
Well please tell us what your suggestion is to this problem?
Well please tell us what your suggestion is to this problem? Originally Posted by chizzy

If there are no guns, there is no gun violence.
There'll just be regular violence. And regular violence is without question, far less lethal than the gun flavored variety.
berryberry's Avatar
If there are no guns, there is no gun violence.
There'll just be regular violence. And regular violence is without question, far less lethal than the gun flavored variety. Originally Posted by onawbtngr546
So you have no solution.

Ok then - I am sure you will just continue spreading misinformation and virtue signaling.