Looking For Central & South American Ladies

Good day. I am coming in from the far north, and hope to get some guidance. What clubs in Dallas have more Central and South American ladies? I tend to like the attitude and looks of the ladies from Venezuela and Columbia in particular. Thanks!
all of them
I've mostly encountered cubanas. I'm looking for more latinas thanks.
  • mb60
  • 11-13-2022, 08:02 PM
Bucks clubs have many latina girls.
I'll give them a try. Saves me driving around, and I only have a few days in town. Thanks for that mb.
txexetoo's Avatar
I have met 2 South American women at BDD recently, Lori from Venezuela and the other one whose name I came remember was also from Venezuela I believe
It’s spelled Colombia, and I have yet to come across a club that’s has Central Americans, you don’t typical have Guatemalan and Salvadoran girls in high demand lol, and usually when you run into a Venezuelan it’s really a Cuban that doesn’t want you to know they’re Cuban lol, that’s happened to me a few time at baby dolls
Thanks for the spell check, lol. I'm a stickler for that, and somewhat ashamed. lmao For real though, now that you've corrected me, my search on this website is a lot more fruitful. I am not a stickler for geography though, and thought Mexico was part of Central America; Google says I'm wrong there too, haha. So I'm really hoping to find Mexicana, Colombiana, and Venezolana

A few years back there were a couple Colombiana (see I'm a learner) girls in Houston, before the Cuban influx. And even if they were Cuban, they didn't act like the ones I ran into in H-town last year (quite pushy, and only clinical in the private dance area). If they don't act like the Cubanas I ran into in H-town the past few years, then I'm okay with that. However, I did meet a verrry nice attitude Cubana at Michael's in H-town when I was down from Alaska earlier this year, and will stop by to see her again.
It’s spelled Colombia, and I have yet to come across a club that’s has Central Americans, you don’t typical have Guatemalan and Salvadoran girls in high demand lol, and usually when you run into a Venezuelan it’s really a Cuban that doesn’t want you to know they’re Cuban lol, that’s happened to me a few time at baby dolls Originally Posted by lestat3999

PT's dayshift

also it's spelled "typically"
Alright, thanks all. BBD, Bucks and PT's. That's enough to keep me busy for the few days I have in Dallas. Cheers!