eccie class ...action

Plastic Man's Avatar
guys yer ...plastic man bringin a class action lawsuit againsts ...the ...beloved board fer givin us cancer bys allowin beta ...simps likes lillysucker ta posts nonstop cuckery

...please support ...plastic man joinin this ...historic legal action!

...ans of course compliments ...ta the chef
Hooray for California Plastic Man.....
lilylivered's Avatar
Kill the chef
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Some of the most shocking admissions I have ever seen on our board right there in that thread.
bought time

open and shut case
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Chock full of incriminating evidence. MLs should have plead the 5th.

extreme nauseum with vomit
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Been quite a while since we've seen someone so completely hooked.
jokacz's Avatar
Reminds me of Princess Alanna's sucker.
lilylivered's Avatar
Thanks Fans : )
Next Best Thing's Avatar
In retrospect I guess this was to be expected.