Breannaforfun offering FREE pussy to guys who aren't from DFW...

Bobave's Avatar
Not trying to be unkind, but good grief... girls wonder why guys get agitated about YMMV...?

Okay, so there was a post on the Austin board that read (imo) like a Dear Hustler letter. Various responders expressed inordinate sympathy, with some folks showing prudent skepticism. However, Breannaforfun jumped in and promised the sad poster he could have a … FREE... session if he visited her. And then reinforced her offer with a follow-up post...

Hmmm... so okay he was lonely and some girl scammed him. I'm guessing that at least a few guys in the DFW area suffer the same circumstances... has Breanna offered to give all of you free pussy?

Didn't think so.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I just read that thread. This is just "me", but I'm not liking his folksy style of writing and his "I'm just an ole' fool" stylistics.

He's new around these parts and already playing people. Heck, I'd spend the afternoon with him spoiling him rotten just for the joy of doing it if I could prove some girl "dun him wrong".

But as I was reading it, it just didn't seem cotton.

And that, is something that I can only say that I'm feelin' right now.

All folksy colloquialisms aside, I'm not sure that I believe him. And he's stirring it up in Austin. Which for that area, doesn't seem to be a difficult thing to do.

Sorry, Austin. And for the record, I hope that this is real and true. And that the gracious woman is going to make his afternoon. Or evening. Oh well, better go and try to remove my foot from my mouth, now!


P.S. As far as the true reason for your post, free attention from an escort ... well, that was pretty good publicity. Wish that I had thought of it, first. Bad Elisabeth!!!
Iaintliein's Avatar
Well gee Bob,

Don't you reckon she can pretty much do what ever she wants with her time and body?

Just sayin'
Juan Pablo de Marco's Avatar
so... exactly what are you pissed about... she didn't offer you free pussy? she didn't offer me any either and somehow i will get through anothe day here in paradise without getting pissed about it.
Fort Worth Punk's Avatar
How exactly is this YMMV? I kind of assume most of the ladies are having sex with someone somewhere and not charging them for it.
TheBizzer's Avatar
Now we all know from grade school that it's rude to bring free pussy for one person and not bring enough free pussy for the whole class

And I agree, the guy reeks of being a troll. He is definitely hamming it up. IMO.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Now we all know from grade school that it's rude to bring free pussy for one person and not bring enough free pussy for the whole class

And I agree, the guy reeks of being a troll. He is definitely hamming it up. IMO. Originally Posted by TheBizzer
I'm raising my hand and jumping up and down. "Me! Me! Me!"

That was a really cute response. Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Elisabeth. And you're the, ah, "The Bizzer"? After reading your tagline, I think that you already have the personality.

I don't know what direction the topic in Austin has gone in overnight but it will be interesting the outcome!!!

MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Lawdy Lawdy....I had no idea that all a simple little country soul had to do to get some attention round here is to get to actin as if they was just a tad taken advantage of during some fictitious little ole adventure. They only needs to be a writin in those really nice full sentences that can be comprehended by all them more edyacated folks and just let the river of woeful stories poor right on out of their little ole pea pickin heart. I reckon they could use them really big city folk words cept be simple and put them together wheres they will be a flowin just as iffen they naive self was just as simple as ya please. I guess I also reckon then all them there smart ECCIE folks would fall right off into it each an ever time. I'm also a guessin they'd be havin' to act all humble and innocent like just to get some of them folks stirred up so's they'd be respondin kindly to all that there attention they'd be tryin to git.

Austin done went and got themselves a country troll! LOL TFF
getting that free pussy delivered to buffalo ny
It's pretty funny that he doesn't want to give her name because he read "rule #5" about not outing people. Plus he's not real sure that the name she gave him is real! LOL!
TheBizzer's Avatar
I'm raising my hand and jumping up and down. "Me! Me! Me!"

That was a really cute response. Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Elisabeth. And you're the, ah, "The Bizzer"? After reading your tagline, I think that you already have the personality.

I don't know what direction the topic in Austin has gone in overnight but it will be interesting the outcome!!!

EW Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
Well, it's a pleasure to meet you Elisabeth. Now that we're familiar, you can call me Biz. Should I ever have the pleasure of becoming even more familiar, you can call me whatever you like, with the possible exception of "Tiny".
Horsemancummeth's Avatar
LMAO. I read all of what BastropRandy had to say. It made me want to throw up. LOL. Hell he just registerd on Oct.5th and he is already playing everyone.
But if there is a fool, there is always someone willing to take advantage of them.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Like many others on this thread, I don't know why the OP gives a shit about the offer of "free pussy." Who cares? What does that offer have to do with you? Whether this Bastrop guy is full of shit, who really gives a fuck?

If he is clever enough to make up such a silly and naive "country boy" story and some provider from another city actually fell for it enough to offer up the goods for free, than so be it. It's her choice to do what she wants to do with her body.

I have no idea why this thread was obviously started to make her look bad.
breannaforfun's Avatar
I thought I would take some time to explain a little more for Bobave:
Bob, I am 38 years old and have been divorced since 1995-I have been in the Adult Industry many years. I use to dance in Houston as well as Dallas so throughout the years I have been blessed of meeting some wonderful people that I appreciate. I am not ashamed of the men nor the ladies I have had encounters with. From this I have gained alot of friends and some I could consider my family.
This job means alot to me and I take it very serious. True to the bone and will always respect the Hobby therefore I will also defened it if needed.
Finding the post country boy wrote caught my attention. Why? Not because he said some provider took his money ...No it bothered me because he came to the ECCIE board saying he was lonely and had saved a bit of money so he wanted to experience this for the first time but he was ripped off by a provider and no good came from this experience at all. NOW- if this were to happen to someone that is pitiful and it really bothers me to know a lady would do's not right! I would hope someones first experience is the best experience. You know in life the first experience is usually the greatest memory and it also helps us determine if we want to do that again or not.
Well...Mr. Country Boy was asking the board if this was the way all providers treat people? That is when I had to put my two cents in.....I will speak up for us ladies and say NO..this is not the way we are. There are some that are true, honest and will do their best to provide good quality companionship to others. Then again, their are ones that don't. That when I wanted to offer as you stated "Free Pussy" to ole Country to show him how serious I am about the hobby. Sorta like when companies offer a money back guarantee or they will offer a free meal to replace a messed up meal...this is usually done to maintain their business sometimes or it's done to gain their business. Well, I thought I would be more than happy to see him for free if it were true some lady from ECCIE site did take his money. Since I am a provider and would be willing to do such that would show that all providers are not out to take your money and run...
I am smart enough to know that not all post are true so I would never just read one and offer such based upon the post alone. If I was willing to offer such then I had hoped he would be willing to give us more information on the board about the provider that he says done this to him. This information would help other men from having their money taken from them and the us ladies would know not to partner up with this girl too. When he never came back with that information I knew I did not need to see him and give him "Free Pussy"
Boils down to this: if true bad experience for him then I would help him with that..then he would of needed to get a membership to ECCIE to make sure he stayed away from the ladies that do rip off others. And then ole country boy would be a proud paid member of ECCIE and he would have a positive first experience and of course come back for me...Grin
Now- why did I say at the beginning I have been divorced? Seeing this guy would not kill me in anyway since I have fucked for free because I date and meet people since I am a single lady. I would like to see guys outside of the hobby and that is job means so much to me and it's taken very seriously so I would be more than willing to sleep with a man for free if needed. BTW-'Ole Country Boy has never called me!
Just getting under Breanna once again. It has been a long time, sweetie. C'mon over and see me sometime. I got a sob story or two for ya. and if that don't work I have got cash!