No indictment in the Sandra Bland case

Evening news reports are saying that there will be NO indictment of the DPS trooper or any others involved in the arrest and incarceration of Sandra Bland for her death.
Guess will be seeing odummer's crew of Al Sharptounge and the female version of Eric Holdup come down for an INjustice Department investigation of her death now and a DEMAND that someone be held accountable for this female of the Dindu Nuffin tribe's death. And of course, the lyin libs will chime in with their BS about the whole Police Department being racist and murderers and the need to "make whitey pay " ! And NO mention of how much (forbidden subject ) was in her system at the time of her death many days after her incarceration ! Mebbe some "urban renewal" and "unauthorized shopping " ala Ferguson around that area ?
Evening news reports are saying that there will be NO indictment of the DPS trooper or any others involved in the arrest and incarceration of Sandra Bland for her death.
Guess will be seeing odummer's crew of Al Sharptounge and the female version of Eric Holdup come down for an INjustice Department investigation of her death now and a DEMAND that someone be held accountable for this female of the Dindu Nuffin tribe's death. And of course, the lyin libs will chime in with their BS about the whole Police Department being racist and murderers and the need to "make whitey pay " ! And NO mention of how much (forbidden subject ) was in her system at the time of her death many days after her incarceration ! Mebbe some "urban renewal" and "unauthorized shopping " ala Ferguson around that area ? Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
And all of her friends and Familly were SOOOOOO concerned when she was arrested. Not one would even bother to answer her phone calls or bother to post a rather small bail ( around $500 if I remember correctly), before she hung herself in her cell.

Just more money hunger ingrates trying to cash in on the law suite lottery.
LexusLover's Avatar

The usual suspects. Begin with post #200.
southtown4488's Avatar
the grand jury looked at all the evidence and decided not to indict. what too people don't understand is they are not looking at this case through the eyes of the media. they are looking at it through the eyes of the justice system.
Evening news reports are saying that there will be NO indictment of the DPS trooper or any others involved in the arrest and incarceration of Sandra Bland for her death. Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Not so fast, buddy....

The usual suspects. Begin with post #200. Originally Posted by LexusLover
The sentiment is "mutual".... Agreed?
LexusLover's Avatar
The sentiment is "mutual".... Agreed? Originally Posted by andymarksman
I haven't a clue as to what you are referring as being "mutual" .... so ...

........... how could I agree?

Weren't you arguing that violation of departmental policy was "against the law"?

And someone else was proclaiming if he were fired then he must be guilty?
I do have a "clue" about "who" they are when I saw the phrase "The usual suspects"....

BTW, I thought you were "open minded" enough to wait till the grand jury renders its decision....
  • Yosun
  • 12-23-2015, 12:10 AM
And of course, the lyin libs will chime in with their BS about the whole Police Department being racist and murderers and the need to "make whitey pay " ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
First of all, ad hominem fallacy + strawman fallacy.

Second of all, whether the police department was being racist or not, whatever. But Sandra Bland should not have been arrested. What did she do? Make an illegal lane change. Okay, whatever. She was doing fine with that process until the state trooper decided to tell her to put her cigarette out, to which she asked him why. Then he demanded she exit her vehicle only for her to ask him why. This goes on for several rounds before he points his Taser at her and shouts, "I will light you up! Get out! Now!" So, the officer illegally detains her without telling her what she's being charged with and then the Department of Public Safety LIED on that trooper's behalf, claiming Ms. Bland had kicked him.

Even then, the bullshit doesn't end there. Ms. Bland's intake forms revealed a history of depression and suicide, but was she placed on suicide watch? Nope. The Waller County jail staff hadn't even started taking mental health training courses they were required to take by law. Staff are also required to conduct hourly rounds to check on inmates, and they couldn't even do that.

As the evidence is, there is nothing to suggest murder covered up to look like a suicide.

However, that does not mean Waller County or that trooper should be let off by a long shot. The trooper committed a completely unnecessary and arguably illegal arrest, and the jail is (at best) guilty of incredible negligence in their care of a human being who was forced into their custody and whose life they were responsible for.

Frankly, the lack of indictments for ANYTHING is astounding to me.

And all of her friends and Familly were SOOOOOO concerned when she was arrested. Not one would even bother to answer her phone calls or bother to post a rather small bail ( around $500 if I remember correctly), before she hung herself in her cell Originally Posted by Jackie S
So her family members are pieces of shit. That doesn't make this woman's death less tragic. If anything, it might have made her depression worse.
LexusLover's Avatar
I do have a "clue" about "who" they are when I saw the phrase "The usual suspects"....

BTW, I thought you were "open minded" enough to wait till the grand jury renders its decision.... Originally Posted by andymarksman
You mean you were one of the "usual suspects"?

I'm always interested in the grand jury decision in a case, and if they indict, a petit jury decision afterwards.
LexusLover's Avatar
Frankly, the lack of indictments for ANYTHING is astounding to me. Originally Posted by Yosun
Then I recommend you not come down to Texas, but if you just must...

...don't get an attitude with a state trooper during a traffic stop.

I recommend saying "Yes, sir" and "No, sir" and ...

.... comply with his or her* requests.

*Yes, there are female LE officers in Texas.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Then I recommend you not come down to Texas, but if you just must...

...don't get an attitude with a state trooper during a traffic stop.

I recommend saying "Yes, sir" and "No, sir" and ...

.... comply with his or her* requests.

*Yes, there are female LE officers in Texas. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You're a sniveling cunt. Do you always default to the fetal position when someone in authority looks your way?m what are you hiding, LLephantMan? Besides your face, of course.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
A woman is pulled over by LE.
She cops a tude that results in her arrest.
She goes to jail.
She cannot find anybody that will bail her out (see line2).
she finally realizes the problem is her.
She hangs herself.

What amount of shame is there in being arrested for belligerence that would cause you to hang yourself. The end result is that she must have had deeper issues and disappointment in how she had treated people to the point that nobody would bail her out. The things that ultimately led to her arrest did not happen in the few minutes before she was pulled over but more than likely a lifetime sprinkled with poor choices that left an enormous chip on her shoulder. To discover that people thought so little of her to let her sit n jail must have been overwhelming enough to thrust her into a depression deep enough to take her own life. Sad.
southtown4488's Avatar
Ive never heard of any evidence that she was murdered. . . the death was ruled a suicide by the medical examiner. who are they supposed to arrest for a suicide?

The media being irresponsible here and stoking up racial tensions.
LexusLover's Avatar
Ive never heard of any evidence that she was murdered. . . the death was ruled a suicide by the medical examiner. who are they supposed to arrest for a suicide?

The media being irresponsible here and stoking up racial tensions. Originally Posted by southtown4488
This is disturbing. I agree with you.