Single Guys - Why Hobby????

johnrubmehard's Avatar
Why do single guys hobby? Are you too lazy to get free Pu$$y? I know why marry guys hobby, we like to pay twice for it...
drez63's Avatar
You kinda answered your own question.....single guys just like to pay for it once......there is no free pussy..........
Lol! You pay for conveinence, for variety, for many reasons. The amount of time and effort and $$ it costs to land a lady is most likely going to be more than what you will spend on a provider. While there are some inherent advantages of having your own girl, sometimes its just easier to see a provider when the mood strikes and then go about your business till you are ready to see another one.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
You kinda answered your own question.....single guys just like to pay for it once......there is no free pussy.......... Originally Posted by drez63

End of story.....
johnrubmehard's Avatar

You only did your girlfriends once????

My only point is that there is so much free or very low cost stuff and you normally can be bang multiple times a day without paying for it. A girl friend or friend with benefits is alot cheaper than $200-$300 per session. I bet with a girl friend you could get it down to $5 a session by banging her several times in short period of time.....

Being married makes it alot harder to chase free stuff...Just wondering....I never thought about paying for it when I was single...

You kinda answered your own question.....single guys just like to pay for it once......there is no free pussy.......... Originally Posted by drez63
Boom Boom's Avatar
You may as well get what you want right off the bat instead of pining over someone that may or may not be the "one".
  • T-Can
  • 08-12-2010, 09:18 AM
Because we can!
And married guys do it because we have to.
slims099's Avatar
Not willing to take the time to

A) put up with drama and bullshit
B) take 2-4 weeks to get them into bed
C) meet their parents and all the blah blah horseshit
D) do the shit THEY want you to do

Also... I don't do drugs, beat my girlfriend, have nasty tattoos, have a pretty face, or dress very out-landish. Therefore getting the hot pussy (i'm attracted to bad girls... who are obviously attracted to bad boys, which I am not) is difficult for me even though I'm confident. Oh yeah, I forgot having the no job thing or at least 10 days of accumulated jail time. I don't have those either. Therefore I'm not a candidate for the girls that I'm attracted to, haha.

Point being, paying for pussy is so much easier. I'll search for a wife and girlfriend later. I'm 27. I'm sure I'll catch heat for this, blah blah. At least I'm honest.
Boom Boom's Avatar
^ says it all....

drez63's Avatar
Of course not, johnrmhard....I did my wife (ex) and girlfriends as often as I could.....but once divorced and past that.....I have my life arranged pretty damn my late forties, lets just say everything is in its place and stays where I put it.....finances, property, boat, man toys, etc. I have the casual and occasional female friend (civilian) over for company, etc. but, for me it still is more economical to just pay up front so to speak. The old saying is "you pay them to leave"is quite accurate. The ones that dont get "paid" sometimes and often overstay their welcome.
WarlockAahz's Avatar
Because we can! Originally Posted by CanDo01
Because we can! Originally Posted by CanDo01

Sometimes a bird in the bush is worth two in the hand! (Wait, or is that a hand in the bush is worth...hell, you get the idea!)

slims099's Avatar
^ says it all....

/thread Originally Posted by Boom Boom
LOL Thanks Boom Boom. We need to start our own Boom Boom room. Hot chicks only!
TexRich's Avatar
Because we can! Originally Posted by CanDo01

that about sums its up.....