🎉Time flies when you are having this much fun!

Danielle Jacks's Avatar
Today makes 6 years since I first joined this community.
I have been blessed to meet some wonderful friends and have had some extremely crazy experiences. Declyn, you asked me to have a little faith and let you write my first review. I'm so glad i conceded, thank you! This community has taught me a safer and smarter way to conduct business. I want to thank everyone who has been a part of making this such an interesting chapter in my life so far.
You all rock! 🎸🎶
Well thank you for all the fun adventures we’ve had! You are definitely A big plus here.

You are on of the few sane, safe, reliable providers who is also a truckload of fun BCD in a hobby scene that is populated by one-night wonders, flakes, ... well, you get it....

Hope you're around for at least another 6 years!


curious1961's Avatar
Simply put "You Rock".
mitch p's Avatar
DJ, you are magical. You have turned this average man into a rockstar, kicked my stress to the curb, and gave me a shit eating grin that the “Joker” himself would be proud of. So I hope you know that you are very much appreciated. Thank you!!!
  • Aro
  • 07-02-2019, 01:41 AM
Without a doubt, my ATF! Stay beautiful, smart and safe love.
Coolpops's Avatar
You're a sweetie Danielle
Mature210's Avatar
You're my ATF.
DallasRain's Avatar
Miss sexy...youre a rockin chick! Hope to meet ya one day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HUMP!'s Avatar
  • HUMP!
  • 07-07-2019, 11:29 PM
Congratulations on your sexyversary. Glad to have been a small part of the fun with you.

Randyredhead's Avatar
Congrats on your 6 year mark! You're one of the coolest chicks on the boards!

Congrats DJ! So glad you found your way here.
You’re a delight.
rockymax99's Avatar
Sorry I'm late to post...but you've Always been there for me... you're the best!