True Love

Peanut's Avatar
I believe that you only have one true love in your life, If ur true love leaves you then you only can found someone that you can be companions with. you may love then, care for them but after your first love there is no more true love.

Who argrees, disagrees?
Wow, that is deep! I don't think I agree though. I, myself, have been in love more than once and I mean REALLY in love.

I will never forget the ones I did love nor will I ever forget how I felt with them. Every one was different and special in their own right.
Bestman200600's Avatar
I love all my favorites one at a time.
Love is special and rare but it doesn't mean you can't find it more than once.
Peanut, I understand your thoughts however like vnurse, I will disagree. I think you can find more than one true love but usually, it is the looking one does that will cause you to miss the one who is the true love you are supposed to be with. If you seek them out, you will not find them. I know, it sounds oxymoronic but it isn’t.

What I think you are really describing is your soul mate but using the term true love. For one to find their soul mate, you have to be equally yoked and on parallel paths in life to find that person. In that regard, finding more than one soul mate in a lifetime is going to be a very, very rare circumstance. Can it happen? Yes, I think it can however the question that is really relevant is does it happen more than once in a lifetime? Yes, it does but not very often and only under certain circumstances. I will refrain from posting my full thoughts since that will be getting very spiritual and beyond were things should be on this board.
ferdburf's Avatar
Why, Lonesome Dove, you sound like a "man of vision."

(Nobody will understand but you, Cap'n Gus and me, I'm afraid).
I do understand what you mean ferdburf.
Interesting topic
Peanut's Avatar
true love is a soul mate...

and Lonesome can be open here.
Lana Warren's Avatar
I was married for 23yrs to a man who I thought was my soulmate even though something never did seem right! I tried to put my finger on it, but just couldn't figure out what it was! So, I'm not for sure it was true love or not! But, I will tell you this......when I do find true love, it will be forever!
Peanut's Avatar
if something didnt seem wasnt true love or soul mate. I was married for 12 years and when she left me and the kids it took me over 3 years to recover from her leaving. Still to this day I think of her and wish she was still with us. Everyday I was happy to see her even when sex wasnt there (about once every 4 months). I still loved her and would have put my life on the line to protect her.
bkat6049's Avatar
I've always heard you never forget or get over your first love... I'm 69 years old and I'd have to agree with that statement.... Not to say you can't find another, but you just don't get totally over the first one...
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
I met a young lady 15 years ago that I still think about today. I'll always have thoughts about her even though we parted ways a year later. Whether we were together or apart she was the only woman on my mind.

One day we were cruising SoCal since she had never been there. We stopped for food and after we left the restaurant she remarked on how much restraint I had. I was confused and asked her what she was talking about. Appearently our waitress was hot and flirting. I honestly didn't even take notice adn to me she was the only woman on the planet.
I disagree with the idea that a person only has one true love. I believe that everything is possible. I think we can have more than one perfect companion otherwise, what if your "soulmate" is born in China and you're in Australia? I don't believe that every relationship is meant to last forever, no matter what we intend when we said those two sacred words. Life happens, we grow and change so it's natural that sometimes, we could grow in different directions. We could then need or want someone different. What if our "soulmate" dies? Some of us find one person who fits us almost perfectly and we stay with them for a long time. Some of us find many people who fit us for shorter periods of time. It's just life. I've been deeply and entirely in love and I want to be again. How sad if we were only "allowed" one ticket.
Lana Warren's Avatar
if something didnt seem wasnt true love or soul mate. I was married for 12 years and when she left me and the kids it took me over 3 years to recover from her leaving. Still to this day I think of her and wish she was still with us. Everyday I was happy to see her even when sex wasnt there (about once every 4 months). I still loved her and would have put my life on the line to protect her. Originally Posted by Peanut
There isn't a minute that goes by that I don't think how much I loved him! I will love him until the day that I die even though I know in my heart that he wasn't right for me! He gave me the most precious gifts in the world......2 wonderful sons and I will be most grateful to him for the rest of my life!