Luis Miguel

Haven't seen any discussion here about this guy. Platform for election is:

“Under my plan, all Floridians will have permission to shoot FBI, IRS, ATF and all other feds ON SIGHT!” tweeted Luis Miguel (R), who is running in the 20th district of the Florida House, according toFlorida Politics. “Let freedom ring!"

Didn't personally see the tweet, which is now removed. Is the above an verbatim transcript?

If so,or even close .... our country of "patriots" has devolved to a new low.
  • Tiny
  • 08-22-2022, 12:43 PM
He'll get his ass kicked in the Republican Primary tomorrow.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Wish I could vote for this guy.
winn dixie's Avatar
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Of course you do.

I'm thinking I should have made this thread a poll
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Just rooting out the red flaggers?
Not necessarily
Jacuzzi and Dixie...why do you want to vote for this guy? Specifically addressing the stated platform please...not off topic deflections. Looking for insight as to how minds word.
  • Tiny
  • 08-22-2022, 05:57 PM
Jacuzzi and Dixie...why do you want to vote for this guy? Specifically addressing the stated platform please...not off topic deflections. Looking for insight as to how minds word. Originally Posted by reddog1951
Those government agencies in certain instances have unjustifiably persecuted Americans. Some people have lost their lives and suffered hardship as a result.

Jacuzzme and Winn Dixie most likely share that sentiment and believe Mar a Lago and the Mueller Investigation are examples.

What Luis Miguel said was obviously a (bad) joke, but it shows where he stands on the power, funding and oversight of federal law enforcement agencies and the IRS. Jacuzzme and Winn Dixie would believe similarly and so would be inclined to vote for him.

For me, the guy's humor is over the top. And I had to listen to suck ass Luis Miguel songs every day for 2 years before I broke up with my psychotic lard ass ex Dominican girlfriend. I don't need any more of that shit. I don't want to hear that name.
I disagree. That sort of "humor" might be ok in a private setting, although even then unsettling personally. Such "bad jokes" have no place in the real world of seeking an office to serve the public and maintain our system of government. Total lack of respect on multiple levels, not to mention inflammatory to whatever crazies might be out there. Sorry, zero tolerance from me for such bullshit. More here need to think with their Big Head and consider the problems that can arise when the Little Head takes control.

Whatever perceived injustices might be blamed on these agencies does not justify the rhetoric, much less action espoused. Maybe I'm mistaken, but I don't think that's how our system of government is intended to work.
winn dixie's Avatar

“Under my plan, all Floridians will have permission to shoot FBI, IRS, ATF and all other feds ON SIGHT!” tweeted Luis Miguel (R), who is running in the 20th district of the Florida House, according toFlorida Politics. “Let freedom ring!" Originally Posted by reddog1951

  • Tiny
  • 08-22-2022, 08:42 PM
Luis Miguel raised a grand total of $4,000 for his campaign. His Republican incumbent opponent in the primary raised $140,000, but has seen fit to spend less than $30,000, because he really doesn't have any competition.

So this guy's a nobody.

The Florida Democratic Party is taking this and running with it. I figure Rachel Maddow and Laurence O'Donnell will be talking it up tomorrow evening.

Two Democratic Party PAC's are running ads that say Republicans plan to do away with Social Security, Medicare and Veterans benefits in the next five years. I've seen a couple of these on the Sunday shows. Well, this is even better! "Under the Republicans' plan, all Americans will have permission to shoot FBI, IRS, ATF and all other feds ON SIGHT!"

Luis probably got that $4,000 from the Democrats.
... Reckon I surely agree-with BOTH Tiny and Reddog.
Enough room for compromise with both views on this,
and done in a rather respectful manner.

### Salty