Is AIDS Policed w/in the Profession?

People post about being tested regularly, which is a good thing for the person being tested. However, does that do any good for anyone else? Probably not if you keep the results to yourself, huh? Say you get the test and, God forbid, it comes back positive. What are you going to do other than (hopefully) get on a standard regimen to suppress the symptoms and attempt to forego it's progression? Then what?

If you're a Provider (and this is how you earn your keep) do you keep providing?
If you're a Hobbyist (that loves getting off), do you keep hobbying?
It's my impression that boards like this frown upon the posting of info regarding the physical health of Providers or Hobbyists (bad for business...depressing...libelo us if not true).

Thus, does this mean we're all out there basically trusting that the next session isn't the one that passes on a virulent plague? Does the thought that this is always a possibility give you 2nd thoughts about your next DATY trip or (from a Provider's P.O.V.) the next BBBJCIM you provide?
daty/o's Avatar
I would say the answer to every question you asked would be Yes. The world, in general, is not conducive to good health and we are literally dying from the moment we take our first breath. The best we can do is delay it. There are more people killed in car accidents than AIDS, but it does not stop people from driving. Cancer and heart disease have not dissuaded people from smoking cigarettes and eating red meat. And they never will. AIDS will make us concerned, but it won't stop anything. I guess most people have the same perspective, " If I let myself worry about everything that could end my life, I won't enjoy my life, anyway."
I get tested and have my results available to anyone that asks. And if I did come out positive then I guess I'd have to quit if it couldn't be cured since sharing is NOT caring when it comes to that LOL
mirandalee's Avatar
Diseases and aids are very scary it would not be cool to pass that stuff around to others.
I think that is one of the main reasons to legalize prostitution. I know there would be people that would keep doing it underground without been tested. However that would help a lot knowing that the provider gets test done on a regular basis. I know is impossible to eliminate the spread of deasis but anything that would help reduce will help. Hell I wouldn't mind if as a customer you were required to get a hobby license that would need to be renew every few months. That way the providers would have some kind of peace of mind that the guy is clean. That is one reason I don't hobby a lot. I know that only takes one time to get unlucky but at least in my head the less times I do it the less chances I have to get something. If I new the girl had a clean bill of health I would hobby way more! I wouldn't even mind to pay more to know the provider I was about to see was clean.
Obviously, knowingly spreading the disease or any, you may end up in court! I would def retire, and find a new hobby not involving what I do now.
I get tested and have my results available to anyone that asks. And if I did come out positive then I guess I'd have to quit if it couldn't be cured since sharing is NOT caring when it comes to that LOL Originally Posted by Alyssa Nicole
Oh, for God's sake, Alyssa, get rid of that dude's picture in your avatar and replace it with your picture - preferably a butt shot.

Sorry, but Dwight gives me a raging soft-on.
There is no "internal policing" in this profession of any kind.

The police police try and stop it but that'll never happen, and most people in this hobby wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire. Best thing you can do is to protect yourself.
Mr. Bill's Avatar
HIV = AIDS is a fraud and a scam.

AIDS is not an infectious disease's a condition caused by exposure to immunological stressor agents.

I always get tested, and have legit paperwork stamped by the dept. of health andhuman services dept. (health clinic) and if/should anyone wish to see my papers alls they need to do is ask. I keep my body the same way as I keep my apt. and lifestyle CLEAN!! I feel if you are a provider/hobbiest, then you NEED TO and SHOULD be tested regularly. YOU may be clean and safe, but what about provider/hobbiest #2 or #3 ect.?? Always play SAFE and SMART, and be very careful with whome you hobby. Remember NOT ALL $$ IS GOOD $$.
Mr. Bill's Avatar
I always get tested, and have legit paperwork stamped by the dept. of health andhuman services dept. (health clinic) and if/should anyone wish to see my papers alls they need to do is ask. I keep my body the same way as I keep my apt. and lifestyle CLEAN!! I feel if you are a provider/hobbiest, then you NEED TO and SHOULD be tested regularly. YOU may be clean and safe, but what about provider/hobbiest #2 or #3 ect.?? Always play SAFE and SMART, and be very careful with whome you hobby. Remember NOT ALL $$ IS GOOD $$. Originally Posted by melissa012
If you continue to get tested, some day you'll be diagnosed as positive, by a test that doesn't detect HIV (because there is no HIV virus), told you'll soon die from AIDS (even though AIDS is caused by exposure to immunological stressor agents), pressured into taking deadly anti-retrovirals, and succumb to a miserable, lonely death.

Read this young lady's story about just such a scenario...

If you continue to get tested, some day you'll be diagnosed as positive, by a test that doesn't detect HIV (because there is no HIV virus), told you'll soon die from AIDS (even though AIDS is caused by exposure to immunological stressor agents), pressured into taking deadly anti-retrovirals, and succumb to a miserable, lonely death.

Read this young lady's story about just such a scenario...

. Originally Posted by Mr. Bill

John Lennon shot JFK. Look it up. It is on the Internet, and you can't put stuff on the internet unless it is true.