Premium Access

Is there a max limit to the number of weeks of premium membership (from submitting reviews) that you can store up at once? In otherwords, if I have 3 weeks of membership and I write a review, does that extra 6 weeks add up to 9? Or is it capped at 6 weeks?

Is there a way to check how long your membership will last for?

winn dixie's Avatar
Is there a max limit to the number of weeks of premium membership (from submitting reviews) that you can store up at once? In otherwords, if I have 3 weeks of membership and I write a review, does that extra 6 weeks add up to 9? Or is it capped at 6 weeks?

Is there a way to check how long your membership will last for?

Thanks! Originally Posted by JackBlack123
Every review adds 6 weeks PA credit. There is no cap.