hump day on Friday morning?

A friend of mine text a women on BP. And was thinking she was the police. I ask him was he sure. He said 75% sure she was. I'm not going to post the BP post. Till the ministrator ask.
Guest062716's Avatar
This post is certainly not alert worthy.
ffireman's Avatar
Moved from alerts. FWIW, the moderators aren't going to ask you to post any details on this.

CaptainGus's Avatar
Let's see - I guess we learned that ladies on BP are more risky than ladies on P411 or on ECCIE with established profiles. What a shocker

Ghost - Tell your buddy to stop using BP, at least for escort services. Unless of course it spices up his resume of criminal offenses to include solicitation. Maybe his wife, girlfriend, or Mom will think that's sexy or his buddies will think that's cool. Either way, it will cost him money or time-served.

Tell him one truth in the hobby world - You want to be screened. When a provider screens you, that means she is being careful. A careful provider is unlikely to meet up with LE. An careless provider has a significantly higher chance, and once compromised can be a tool for LE to get to you. BP ladies are careless and think screening is a text or phone call. It isn't.

Tell him to save money and spend money on P411. He'd be doing himself and the rest of us a favor.
Guest062716's Avatar
Excellent advice, CPT Gus.

Allow me teaching moment.

Our Alerts forum is one of the best Alert forums on ECCIE. There are two primary factors contributing to this: 1) The vast majority of the info posted is truly alert worthy (per the instructions at the top of the sub-forum) and 2) ALL of our members here, both men and women, feel free to post there, without repercussions.

These factors, sadly, are simply not the case in other Alert sub-forums.

As a reminder, the rules for the Alert subforum are: " Issues which could endanger the safety of a member or members of our community go here. Please reserve this space for legitimate alerts, and not general FYI material."

As a means of analyzing and education on this posting, here are the several points I would make.

Let us start with the title: "hump day on Friday morning? "
How is this title remotely related to the content of the posting? How does this convey the type of "alert" or it's location (city) or it perpetrator?

Then there is the lead in sentence: " A friend of mine text(ed) a women on BP."
Who is your friend? A member here? Why is this someone WE should listen to?
Secondly, who is the woman? What city was this in? Where is the link to the BP ad?

The second sentence: "And was thinking she was the police."
Again, WHO are we talking about? WHAT was conveyed in the text that made him "think she was the police"?

Then there is: "I'm not going to post the BP post."
I would agree, in this situation, that is the right thing to do, but WHY bother to post an alert at all then?

As the CPT alluded, all any rational reader can gather from this alert is that the OP has a friend, whose experience in the hobby is unknown/undetermined, who texted an unnamed lady from an unlisted BP ad in an undisclosed city.

No offense to the OP, but this is a useless posting, altogether.

It also raises a flag on the OP with the ladies. Many are rightly concerned on what the OP may post, should they see him.

Now, by no means, let this dissection and enlightenment discourage anyone from posting a legitimate alert. But if you have any questions, by all means, ask them.

A posting that stated with "not sure where to post this, and not really sure what information needs to be shared, but my buddy texted a bp ad phone number and he thinks it is a cop..... How to I go about posting about this or how do I figure out if she was a cop?" would likely get a much better reception and response.

knotty man's Avatar
I got this Buddy, who did this one thing at this other place, with this one person, some day this week at some time on the clock.
Oh Boy! Let me tell you what
Swordmaster69's Avatar
"Last summer at band camp....when I was alone with my flute""