How Do You Feel About Sensual Massages?

Do you like to get the massage before making love or after?

Massage before making love can be a great way to relax, break the ice. Foreplay if you will.

Massage after making love can be a great substitute for a cigarette. LOL!

Do you prefer getting a massage on a massage table or on the bed?

Massage on a table is a good idea if you soreness in other portions of your body. I can perform more of a deep tissue therapy on a table.

Massage on a bed can be good if you want more of a sensual effect.
UTRLVR's Avatar
There are some great FBSM/Sensual Massagers that provide an outstanding massage on a table. My body shivers when I think of it.
To me, there is no greater foreplay than sensual massage. Of course, i love to be the recipient, but giving one is just about an equal turn on.
Do you like to get the massage before making love or after?

Massage before making love can be a great way to relax, break the ice. Foreplay if you will.

Massage after making love can be a great substitute for a cigarette. LOL!

Do you prefer getting a massage on a massage table or on the bed?

Massage on a table is a good idea if you soreness in other portions of your body. I can perform more of a deep tissue therapy on a table.

Massage on a bed can be good if you want more of a sensual effect. Originally Posted by mikkifine
Mikki, this was brought up before by a lady and IMHO the "ideal/perfect" session would be 90 minutes long minimum.

start off by a nice sensual massage from her, with some nice playfulness tossed in,.. maybe have him return the favor, add in some nice toys to please her.... then get into a nice session of oral fun which leads to intense sex... followed by a brief rest then mutual shower..... 90 minutes should be enough, maybe 2 hours.

Yes that means the lady can charge more and by God she should! but look at it this way... she can add this sort of thing onto her menu of services. Guy might go in for a 1 hr massage, and get it plus a happy ending via HJ... very safe on the contact and everyone is happy.

the more menu items offered the better a session can be sculpted.
Start off with a massage... as a nice ice breaker... sensual, playful... then the table can used to get the sex out of the bedroom...
dearhunter's Avatar
I am not interested in making love after a good spine twisting, joint popping, muscle stretching massage........can I just have a good BBBJ and a mint instead?
Chocolate mints or the mint with red and white designs?

I am not interested in making love after a good spine twisting, joint popping, muscle stretching massage........can I just have a good BBBJ and a mint instead? Originally Posted by dearhunter
notanewbie's Avatar
I like catnip.
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
Can I oil up NaN and massage him after you're done w/him Mikki? He's SOOOO Pretty!!!

dearhunter's Avatar
I thinck NaN should let MF rock his world.......that is the kind of friend I am.
tikkler33's Avatar
Go ahead, NAN, you know you want to!
You are more than welcome to oil up NaN. How pretty is Nan? LOL!

By the way, who is NaN?

Can I oil up NaN and massage him after you're done w/him Mikki? He's SOOOO Pretty!!!

JaD Originally Posted by Jusanotherdude
dearhunter's Avatar
notanewbie (NaN), may I introduce you to the famous mikkifine.......take a step out on the wild side, young man..........and don't forget that review afterwards.
tikkler33's Avatar
Go ahead, Nan, you caveman!
I like catnip. Originally Posted by notanewbie

Are you a cat?