Why is Trump President Anyway?????

pussycat's Avatar
If you listen to the media, or to academic economists, or to Janet Yellen at the Federal Reserve in New York, you might believe that there is nothing wrong with America. According to all these sources there is no problem with unemployment, or growth, or opportunity, or anything else. If you live in the prosperous islands of Austin, or New York City, or in California, or in Washington State, or D.C., then everything is JUST FINE.

But Trump knows something all these authorities don't know, and here is what it is. Believe it or not Trump graduated from Wharton, and actually knows something about economics. He's also been speaking and writing about American economic policy since the 1980s if you bother to look.

So here is what he knows:

A few weeks ago he yelled out some comment that he might set up "safe zones" in Syria, but that the Arabs in Abu Dabi or Dubai or Qatar would have to pay for it. He said, "They have money. We don't have any money. We are 17 Trillion dollars in debt."

Yeah. It's that fucking simple.

There are rich countries and poor countries. There are countries which have surpluses, like Kuwait, Norway and China, and then there are all the other countries which only stay afloat because their governments' spend and spend and rack up huge debts to maintain levels of demand (and therefore support employment) which the economy cannot otherwise sustain BECAUSE THERE IS SOMETHING FUNDAMENTALLY WRONG WITH THE ECONOMY. Look at Spain or Italy or Greece or Brazil or Guatamala or other piss poor places and that's what you see. These places have problems with the structure of their trade, finance, governments and whatever such that they can't maintain any employment and aggregate demand so their governments have to come to the rescue. And I don't mean some Keynsian temporary rescue for a few years. I mean decade after decade these governments have to step in EVERY FUCKING YEAR and dump huge amounts of borrowed cash into their economies or the whole place would dive into a depression.

That's America today.

And there is no fucking denying it.

Down the road here at UT there is a professor named James Galbraith, and he's the son of famous economist John Kenneth Galbraith. And when asked how the U.S. is ever going to pay down or pay off it's now stupendous debt he says, "It will never be paid off. Why should we ever want to pay it off?"

Well gee, but that's just about the most stupid fucking answer I've ever heard.

It has to be paid off. You can't fucking get around it. There is something called interest. And you can't just rack more and more and more of this shit. At some point it has to stop, and then what is your fucking answer? What happens when we actually are in a depression and we have to borrow and spend to get out of it, BUT NOW WE CAN'T BECAUSE WE KEPT BORROWING EVEN WHEN WE WEREN'T IN A DEPRESSION ANYMORE.

The reason for this is called THE TRADE DEFICIT stupid!!

You can't have a trade deficit of stupendous scale every fucking year and decade and not have all your jobs and money and wealth escape the country!

That's what a trade deficit is.

Until America once again has trade surpluses like our trade "partners" do we will continue in this downward spiral of debt and more debt to compensate for loss of income and jobs until we hit a fucking brick wall, and THEN WE WILL BE ANOTHER GREECE.


Build the fucking wall, bring back all the jobs that AMERICAN companies have placed in Mexico, put all the Mexican drug dealers against the fucking wall and shoot them, then put a tariff on everything imported from China and every other country we have deficits with.

And if you want to call it "fascism" then so be it. Mussolini was good for Italy and we need someone to kick real ass like he did.
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
pussycat, you are nothing but a racist, bigoted moron. Your opinions are useless. I respect people who are part of the solution, not scum like you who are an embarrassment to this county.
Dev Null's Avatar
From what I've heard, Trump didn't have high enough grades to get into Wharton. His dad called in a favor to get him admitted, and he was nowhere near the top of his class when he graduated.

Back to the original question, why is Trump president? Probably because he speaks to crowds at a 4th grade level instead of 7th or 8th grade level like most other politicians. So it comes across to a lot of people as if he's not speaking down to them in comparison.

I wonder, is it really necessary to call each other stupid and moron? But I guess that's the style now. I place the blame on teaching to the test.
Its simple. People were tired of the "normal" No matter who would have ran vs Clinton likely would have won.
onei's Avatar
  • onei
  • 01-20-2017, 08:44 PM
Probably because he speaks to crowds at a 4th grade level instead of 7th or 8th grade level like most other politicians. So it comes across to a lot of people as if he's not speaking down to them in comparison. Originally Posted by Dev Null
It's interesting you say that. I've done a lot of public speaking in my time. One thing I was taught years ago is to speak to the kids, that way you hit them all. If you don't, you're just speaking over most of their heads and will not be heard.
gfejunkie's Avatar
pussycat, you are nothing but a racist, bigoted moron. Your opinions are useless. I respect people who are part of the solution, not scum like you who are an embarrassment to this county. Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch
Get out your coloring books, snowflake. You're in for a rough 4/8 years.

Why is Trump President?
<---- See avatar.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Trump is a celebrity and people felt like they know him. Nobody really bothers to actually fact check on his long well established history failures. Last of all the Republicans shot themselves in the foot by planting all this B.S. suspicion over emails. While not understanding that Americans were tired of all politicians and would vote for anyone who wasn't a politician. No matter what happens now the face of how politics are run is fundamentally changed. It was all right there in front of every politicians face that this would happen but arrogance overrode any concerns that might have been raised.

As for the person with USA map please keep it. Over time all that red is going to start looking very disturbing and horrifying at the true implications of it.
That is true. I was taught to break it down to where a 2 year old can understand it. Common business tactic.

It's interesting you say that. I've done a lot of public speaking in my time. One thing I was taught years ago is to speak to the kids, that way you hit them all. If you don't, you're just speaking over most of their heads and will not be heard. Originally Posted by onei
Wow - you are saying you are better than all the people who live in the red areas on the map?? You might want to study that map before you spout off this crap. Those people that live in the red areas are caring,compassionate,hard working Americans. That area is America.

As for the person with USA map please keep it. Over time all that red is going to start looking very disturbing and horrifying at the true implications of it.[/QUOTE]
nuglet's Avatar
Speak to the lowest common denominator, that's the general rule of speaking.. It's often surprising how low that is in today's world.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
What you don't seem to understand is that "map" doesn't represent those people. Many district lines were redrawn and are facing lawsuits and being repealed as illegal. The point in that is the politicians knew that none of those "laws" would be repealed until long after the election. That's just one reason.

Basically you just called all those people stupid for fighting for thier equal to vote within their zoning district.
Well, I have family and a whole bunch of friends that live in those areas and,yes, it represents them. Who exactly do you think it represents?
This makes no sense.

What you don't seem to understand is that "map" doesn't represent those people. Many district lines were redrawn and are facing lawsuits and being repealed as illegal. The point in that is the politicians knew that none of those "laws" would be repealed until long after the election. That's just one reason.

Basically you just called all those people stupid for fighting for thier equal to vote within their zoning district. Originally Posted by FirePhoenix
gfejunkie's Avatar
You negative Nellies have nothing to worry about. After 8 years we finally have a President who sees the Constitution as a road MAP instead of a road BLOCK.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Do you even have the slightest clue of the huge impact it had on voting? Many areas that had voting stations for as long as anyone could remember no longer quifiled. Average wait times to vote were 4-6 hrs in many of those places. Can the single mom or dad wait that long to vote? Or do they have jobs and family to take care of?What about that nurse or doctor at the hospital do they have that kind of time? Take a good guess on who did have the time to wait that long? Also want to take a guess on what they were doing while waiting to vote. Go ahead and think about what they were doing and why it makes such a huge difference. I'm betting you can't and even if it was explained to you ,you wouldn't comprehend the reason why it's so alarming.

Like I said before at this point it's pointless to have a conversation with people like this. Lies and destruction have to take their place first. They have to have this celebration in thier beliefs first before any kind of truth starts to come out. To present facts and truths will only be disregarded with passionate vehemence.
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
FirePhoenix, you are absolutely correct. They cannot comprehend reasoning. And ignorance turns fact and logic into a threat on their version of (white) America.