Clients who go out of their way to make you feel special

I have the most amazing clients...they treat me with so much kindness, respect and appreciation.

Today I had an appt with a client (our second time to meet) and he made me feel so important. He read my profile and brought me gifts based on the things I said I liked.

Sometimes it's the little things in life that mean the most...

He brought me a 12pack of coca cola, a scented wax warmer with butterflies on it with vanilla wax to go with it, a really cool kite with butterflies and my favorite food for lunch; Mexican....on top of my donation.

He didn't have to do those things...but said he wanted to because he just wanted to see me smile.

Guys like this are why I continue to hobby friends treat me better than any civilian.

I teared up after he left...i felt good about myself...i really felt like I mattered.

Thank you to him and all of my amazing clients!! I live the life I live because of Y'ALL and I'm sincerely grateful.

That is all folks,

Hobby on

These are the ones that make this fun!
They also make it easy to disregard the "not so honest" ones. I can honestly say, the good ones far out number the bad!

Glad you had a good one today sweets!!
Stay safe!

These are the ones that make this fun!
They also make it easy to disregard the "not so honest" ones. I can honestly say, the good ones far out number the bad!

Glad you had a good one today sweets!!
Stay safe!

SP Originally Posted by Sinful Pleasure
I agree...the good ones outweigh the bad ones...i just really needed this was right on time..
lda523287's Avatar
We need more positive threads like this.
We need more positive threads like this. Originally Posted by lda523287
I agree...all the negativity from this site will start to wear on a person...especially a caring person such as myself...there are lots of good positive things about the hobby...sometimes we just need to be reminded there are still good things and good people in this world...
Reverseheadstock's Avatar
This is an excellent example of how to improve ymmv. If she'said happy, feeling special, and confident you're not a douchebag then your miles go to smiles.

Now are you two ladies gonna kiss??? I got my camera ready for your closeup.
Great Thread Analeese!
You newbies (and those who lack hobby etiquette) .... listen and learn!!

My favorite clients always bring candy ... flowers ... and a sweet card.
I've kept the cards over the years and pull them out now and again to remember good times.
Always makes me feel good.

I've always wondered if and how often clients bring gifts to their appointments. Other than it being listed in the showcases, I've never really heard it mentioned any where else before this thread.

So far, I have not done this. Not saying I never would, just hadn't yet.
I've always wondered if and how often clients bring gifts to their appointments. Other than it being listed in the showcases, I've never really heard it mentioned any where else before this thread.

So far, I have not done this. Not saying I never would, just hadn't yet. Originally Posted by OneStarLuck07

Alot of times guys bring candy,alcohol, food, drinks, flowers or a card...

I love the greeting cards....but I'm very sentimemtal...

The client who brought me the things this thread was created about actually spent a couple hours of his time tracking down my gifts...he tried to even get my favorite flowers; peonies...but they aren't in season right now.

He even noticed some changes I made to my likes and dislikes...and those were some of the gifts he brought.
FunInDFW's Avatar
The special ones I let fuck me for free. No one has wanted to be special yet. Maybe because I don't go put of my way to offer it.
Would y'all believe me if I told you that I've received very rude, sarcastic private messages from one hobbyist here after I made this thread?

This guy has messaged me several times ...talking about providers treating their clients like "johns" in an assembly line...implying that is how I treat my clients...and seemingly made a threat about reporting his experience with a provider he hasn't met BCD yet (myself) I don't know what I did to deserve such rude condescending crap from someone...especially in response to this thread...this was suppose to be positive not something to make a guy message me and question my reviews stating some are good, some not so good with a yes reccomebdation still....and then imply that I think I'm fantastic at providing just cause I could make a guy cum...

This kind of behavior will get you blocked and ignored...immediately...

Honestly he just seemed like he wasn't having fun with the providers he has chosen...I suggested we meet and then i get all this negative stuff for no reason...
I was nothing but nice to this guy... suggested we meet since he said he wasn't happy with most of the providers he visited with because they were "dead fish fucks" (his own words).
Phrasing's Avatar
Some people don't want to see good things for others cause their own life sucks
StopShort's Avatar
Please elaborate on a good client vs a bad one.

The connotation that I get is that for a client to be considered "good" is that he grants a large tip and gives gifts on top of the donation. So, is he good based on gifts or the way he treats you during your time together?

I ask that because I really want to know, not to cause drama. In my hobby experience, there are good providers and bad providers. In my opinion, it's based solely on how I was treated during initial contact, subsequent contacts leading up to the session and then the actual session.

This post makes me feel that if I don't bring gifts I'm not a "good" client. There are opposite ends of the spectrum with hobbyists. There are some who can afford to be with whoever they want, whenever they want. Then there are guys like me who through various situations and circumstances have to save up money just to have a session with a decent provider. Am I any less of a "good" client if after I've saved up my money to see you, that I can't afford to bring a gift?
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 03-23-2017, 04:38 PM
The special ones I let fuck me for free. No one has wanted to be special yet. Maybe because I don't go put of my way to offer it. Originally Posted by FunInDFW
A good client doesn't always bring gifts. It's not about the gifts at all..atleast not for me. It was his TIME that he spent picking them out that made him a good client. His overall thoughtfulness.

In general, yes what makes a good client is how he treats you during your time together however there are other factors involved in this determination. A good client may also be someone cooperative with screening, doesn't haggle, is on time, on his best behavior, is mindful of the time we scheduled to be together, good hygiene, is amazing in bed and so on..this could vary on the provider you ask.

A bad client could be lots of things...pushy, rude, late, bad hygiene,shorting donation ect...again this varies by provider but in general these would be things that make a client bad.

It is not a requirement to bring a gift at donation is plenty imo..and not bringing a gift doesn't make you a bad client in my book...

You are not any less of a good client if you can't afford a gift after your donation especially if you've saved your money to spend time with me.