Get Ready for BETO!

pussycat's Avatar
He's raising a lot of money and will outspend Abbott. Looks like the normal people in the suburbs of the metroplex and Houston will join the blue stalwarts of San Antonio and Austin and finally elect a Democrat as Governor again. Last time this happened was in the 1970s when Jimmy Carter was President! Say hello again to legalized abortion! Yes, twelve year old girls in places like Pleasanton and Harlingin won't be forced to become mothers when they're raped by their uncles! Women whose fetus' have died and start to decay inside them won't have to wait until their fever is over 105 to qualify as "an emergency" so a Doctor can reach in there and pull out the decaying carcass that was rotting inside her. Texas will send a message to all the "pro-life" morons around us.
Passion2015's Avatar

Just think if you were aborted, you wouldn’t be talking about it now.

I’m neither for or against abortion myself but some people get to damn radical about it on both sides.

Oh, a vote for Beto would be a vote for a complete disaster for Texas and end up like California and New York which are both a disaster.

In my opinion there are a lot better candidates for the Democratic side than an idiot like Beto.

But hell, look where our country is now. We are breaking all kinds of the wrong records to break.
pleasurem's Avatar
Beto is an idiot, you have to be a fool to vote for him!!!
winn dixie's Avatar
beta is a fool
Beto outspent Cruz 2 to 1 in 2018 and still lost. That was also in a blue year. 2022 will be a red year and Abbott is way way more popular than Cruz. Beto crushed Cruz in Houston and San Antonio last time and the polls show Beto just barely winning both those areas. Abbott is abnormally popular in San Antonio.
princeclubhopper's Avatar
0% chance, but watching liberals sit in safe circles and cry is always a good time.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
We’ll see. Both Abbott and Goeb (Patrick) are vulnerable. And both are stupid enough to make another major pandering stand to energize suburban women. The abortion issue will surely sink both of them.
BETO is trash, regardless of his position on abortion. Dont vote for idiots, please. It really matters the quality of leaders we have. Vote for men with proven track records of success, in any endeavor.

I have never ever voted for a Democrat but I will vote for Beto because of his stance on legalization.
winn dixie's Avatar
Just a huge lib wet dream winning in Texas.

Lube that circle jerk with dem tears omg lol

Beto is a spineless POS.
pleasurem's Avatar
Horribly inept… why would anyone vote for Beto… he’s a fool
raptorvid's Avatar
Biden got elected, anything is possible!
He's raising a lot of money and will outspend Abbott. Looks like the normal people in the suburbs of the metroplex and Houston will join the blue stalwarts of San Antonio and Austin and finally elect a Democrat as Governor again. Last time this happened was in the 1970s when Jimmy Carter was President! Say hello again to legalized abortion! Yes, twelve year old girls in places like Pleasanton and Harlingin won't be forced to become mothers when they're raped by their uncles! Women whose fetus' have died and start to decay inside them won't have to wait until their fever is over 105 to qualify as "an emergency" so a Doctor can reach in there and pull out the decaying carcass that was rotting inside her. Texas will send a message to all the "pro-life" morons around us. Originally Posted by pussycat
Yep... just as a figured.
A demoncrap idiot.
Abortion isn't illegal.

Beto will NEVER be the governor of Texas.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I voted for Abbott in 2018 but he has swung too far to the right for my liking. I supported O'Roarke against Cruz because Cruz is an idiot but O'Roarke has moved too far to the left. I will vote for a 3rd party candidate instead of voting for either of those two.