Hypocrisy - a quiz!

Whispers's Avatar
Question 1 - What local hobbyist rallies against those with secondary handles that are used to post with agendas or while banned? Here is a hint.... He was banned himself this year for having multiple handles.

Question 2 - What local hobbyist rallies against those that out people crying all along how reprehensible it is? Another hint..... He was banned himself this year for outing someone

Question 3 - What local hobbyist rallies against hate threads targeting local providers claiming it undermines all sense of community here in Austin? Yet another hint..... He is known to initiate threads targeting specific providers in game show formats and excuses them as being fun

Question 4 - What local hobbyist regularly talks about how rude and disrespectful people here can be? Even more hints! He continuously shows disrespect himself to members of this community in the form of rude and ugly comments and regularly shows total disdain and zero respect to the staff of this board.

Need another hint? One guy fits all 4! Can you guess?

Starts with a "T"!

Ends with a "Z"

You might ask "Y" before the end!

Would you like to buy a vowel? "O"k

There was a time when as off the wall as the guy could be I still gave him credit for trying to matter and keep things entertaining..... But as his humor became uglier and took on the flavor of personal attacks I started seeing him for the total hypocrite he has proven himself to be.

I think he is the living breathing poster child for the term "hypocrite". Don't you?
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 11-16-2015, 04:47 PM
Question 1 - What local hobbyist rallies against those with secondary handles that are used to post with agendas or while banned? Here is a hint.... He was banned himself this year for having multiple handles.

Question 2 - What local hobbyist rallies against those that out people crying all along how reprehensible it is? Another hint..... He was banned himself this year for outing someone

Question 3 - What local hobbyist rallies against hate threads targeting local providers claiming it undermines all sense of community here in Austin? Yet another hint..... He is known to initiate threads targeting specific providers in game show formats and excuses them as being fun

Question 4 - What local hobbyist regularly talks about how rude and disrespectful people here can be? Even more hints! He continuously shows disrespect himself to members of this community in the form of rude and ugly comments and regularly shows total disdain and zero respect to the staff of this board.

Need another hint? One guy fits all 4! Can you guess?

Starts with a "T"!

Ends with a "Z"

You might ask "Y" before the end!

Would you like to buy a vowel? "O"k

There was a time when as off the wall as the guy could be I still gave him credit for trying to matter and keep things entertaining..... But as his humor became uglier and took on the flavor of personal attacks I started seeing him for the total hypocrite he has proven himself to be.

I think he is the living breathing poster child for the term "hypocrite". Don't you? Originally Posted by Whispers
Awwwwww WhixxZys pissed...

Can a midnight meltdown be far behind? (BTW Mr Mod, my response is on topic because I'm being stalked-this is a direct response to that targeted stalking).

http://eccie.net/showthread.php?t=1529894HYPERL INK "http://eccie.net/showthread.php?t=1529894&page= 8"&HYPERLINK "http://eccie.net/showthread.php?t=1529894&page= 8"page=8


Sorry dude but you don't have friends, just people you dig dirt on and out when they stop serving your purpose.

How many smear campaigns have you started against mods and providers and hobbyist. You had one against still looking a while back too. About how he liked to force chicks to bareback him.

What I don't get is why you think anyone gives 2 shits about anything you post. The only people who follow you are the people you have shit in or the people you get discount pussy for. Everyone else see's you for the fos blow hard your really are.

Where's that new direction whimpers?

All I see is the same clinging shit I dropped in the toilette this morning.
knotty man's Avatar
Can i phone a friend?
No whammies!!
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 11-16-2015, 05:24 PM
Can i phone a friend?
No whammies!! Originally Posted by knotty man
Knotty, you can even use a lifeline if you want!

"Vanna, can I buy a fucking vowel"?

Whispers's Avatar
...... pissed...
..... I'm being stalked
Originally Posted by Toyz
LMAO Toyz....

Pissed? hardly man.. you don't evoke much emotion from me...

You have never been half as funny as you think you are but you do provide some entertainment when we can make you dance in the direction we chose....


Check the dates and times of posts from you and me sir.... You came back from your ban and immediately went on the attack and latched onto the bullshit from Homer calling him a great guy right before HE was banned for outing....

If anyone is stalking anyone it is you and your buddy Dante chasing Sl and me around....

Like I said.... You are the biggest and most relevant example of a Hypocrite on the board today.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 11-16-2015, 05:41 PM
LMAO Toyz....

Pissed? hardly man.. you don't evoke much emotion from me...

. Originally Posted by Whispers
ALL evidence to the contrary :laughin g1:

Say it loud enough and I have no doubt you will begin to believe it...I'm just waiting for the midnight meltdown. those are my favorite!!

dodger's Avatar
Question 1 - What local hobbyist rallies against<snip>

Question 2 - What local hobbyist rallies against <snip>

Question 3 - What local hobbyist rallies against <snip> Originally Posted by Whispers

i think you mean "what local hobbyist rails against" x 3

verb (used without object)
1. to utter bitter complaint or vehement denunciation (often followed by at or against): to rail at fate.

unless you meant ... http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/rally?s=t
beam me up scotty's Avatar
3rd person present: rallies
(of troops) come together again in order to continue fighting after a defeat or dispersion.
"De Montfort's troops rallied and drove back the king's infantry"
synonyms: regroup, reassemble, re-form, reunite
"the troops rallied and held their ground"
dodger's Avatar
3rd person present: rallies
(of troops) come together again in order to continue fighting after a defeat or dispersion.
"De Montfort's troops rallied and drove back the king's infantry"
synonyms: regroup, reassemble, re-form, reunite
"the troops rallied and held their ground" Originally Posted by beam me up scotty
so .. you are suggesting ...
Question 1 - What local hobbyist comes together again in order to continue fighting after a defeat against those with secondary handles that are used to post with agendas or while banned? Here is a hint.... He was banned himself this year for having multiple handles.

doesn't work for me ... occam's razor applies

fwiw ... difficult for one person, "hobbyist" ... to be dispersed.

otoh .. points for using the correct "hobbyist" ... singular form for one who hobbys ... as opposed to the misused "hobbiest" ... a superlative form of "hobby" ..as in "the most hobby"
beam me up scotty's Avatar
Rally suggest bringing others together, as in Toyz tries to rally troops to fight the stuff he doesn't like.
dodger's Avatar
Rally suggest bringing others together, as in Toyz tries to rally troops to fight the stuff he doesn't like.
Unsuccessfully... Originally Posted by beam me up scotty
yeah ... i get that ... just doesn't seem appropriate in context. which is why i mentioned occam's razor. the point of the thread was ... hypocrisy. someone complaining about something .. (railing against) ... while being guilty of the selfsame offense. which would seem to point back to the "h" word in the subject title.

having said that ... time to move on ...
beam me up scotty's Avatar
Railing against is complaining, to rally against is an attempt to get others to action. Toy threADs are not merely complaining, he's actually dumb enough to think he can rally other clowns to join in.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 11-16-2015, 08:06 PM
Railing against is complaining, to rally against is an attempt to get others to action. Toy threADs are not merely complaining, he's actually dumb enough to think he can rally other clowns to join in. Originally Posted by beam me up scotty
How do you have so much time to post Ricky? Doesn't your day job keep you busy enough?

Shouldn't you be stalking & terrorizing Hoogars?
budman33's Avatar
except being banned for multiple handles even though we all know you have them, I would have answered that quiz with ...


Pot meet Kettle... /yawn
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
Question 5: what hobbyist spends ten and a half months on the boards insulting providers and hobbyists alike, and then like magic, come Holiday Season, this fellow puts on his best unctuous smile whilst soliciting donations for his "Children's Charity"?

Question 6: why would anyone in their right mind put their hard earned dollars (or time) in the care of a fellow who demonstrates consistently throughout the year to be not only untrustworthy, but brimming with insecurity and hostility?