Living with former provider

I am living with a former dancer and provider.

The problems arise when attending various business functions when she notices guys who may remember her from her earlier work. If information were to spread it would also hurt my position.

Has anyone here faced similar issues?
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Lol. Nope. You already know the pro's and con's... are you just looking for comforting words?


Well stay out tha kitchen if you cant take the heat. It is what it is.
You have two things on your side one is some guys that know her might find her familiar but not recognize her out of the context they know her and the other in mutual assured destruction.
This reminds me of a story one of my coworkers told me once. He was a church going person dating a girl he met at college together. He had just graduated from college and decided to celebrate to take himand his girlfriend to Mexico. Unknown to him she had been a provider while attending college Denver and left the hobby when she moved. When coming back someone recognized her in the Denver Airport, walked up to her and loudly talked about the times they had had together. Looked at my coworker, and said "your going to have fun tonight, she is a great fuck."

will people recognize her? It all depends on how long ago she was a provider? are you in the same location? How has she changed? Has she changed her hair? Gained some weight or lost weight? Just by changing her hair style might throw people off.

Either way I would have a response ready just in case someone recognized her and things became awkward.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
When coming back someone recognized her in the Denver Airport, walked up to her and loudly talked about the times they had had together. Looked at my coworker, and said "your going to have fun tonight, she is a great fuck." Originally Posted by Fizley
Unless you're some kind of mark ass softcake looking trick ain't nobody acting like that...and even then you'll be hard pressed to run into people that act like this in public. Now if you're in the hood or the streets of NY that's a different story.
azteclust's Avatar
With situation like that, is best to moved to another city, far north, south, west or east. Yes it's going to be very weird when she encounters former clients.

That's what I'll do if I happened to take a former provider with me.
pyramider's Avatar
[QUOTE=Owlman;1061860861]I am living with a former dancer and provider.

The problems arise when attending various business functions when she notices guys who may remember her from her earlier work. If information were to spread it would also hurt my position.

If this is a problem for you ... dump her. If you are in a relationship own it. Good, bad, indifferent.
I agree..who cares what anyone else thinks.

I don't know what type of business your in , however unless your running for office I wouldn't worry about it...even then ��

If your both happy that's all that matters.
Italia DiBella's Avatar
Reverse situation here
I've bumped into a few friends in public.
I just smirk and go about my business, usually they are with someone.
Not my business to find out who lol

I've had a gent yell out my name in public while I was out shopping with 5 of my sisters.
Ughh lol
(This was before they knew of my "social life")

They wanted to know why he was yelling out Italia!! Italia ������

Me: One of us obviously looks like someone named Italia duhhhh
Italia DiBella's Avatar
I am living with a former dancer and provider.

The problems arise when attending various business functions when she notices guys who may remember her from her earlier work. If information were to spread it would also hurt my position.

Has anyone here faced similar issues? Originally Posted by Owlman
Since both of you are familiar with the industry.
Unless y'all are very open I would figure out a way to casually embrace the situation and not look too shocked.
It's bound to happen
Chlorine's Avatar

Me: One of us obviously looks like someone named Italia duhhhh Originally Posted by Italia DiBella

LOL...great quick thinking!!
citizen44's Avatar
OP, it’s hard to believe that you beat out the other 100,000 sperm
Lester Krinklesac's Avatar
OP, it’s hard to believe that you beat out the other 100,000 sperm Originally Posted by citizen44
Careful trying to look smarter than others by berating them, sperm is counted in the multi millions. JS
citizen44's Avatar
I wrote and erased three other responses as being too judgemental and condescending. Believe it or not, that was the nicest reply I could come up with for someone that willingly put themselves in that situation
  • SD7
  • 11-27-2019, 10:03 AM
My SO used to be in the business in a city other than Houston. My former wife is a lawyer who had my SO investigated. She threatened to provide the information to family members and my business clients. She made very difficult demands on my SO to avoid these disclosures and pictures her investigators found. Things were difficult for a long period of time.