
Sexy Snake's Avatar
Oh man. What now? Did you hear about the meeting with Trump, Pelosi, and Schumer?

Oh gee, this could get ugly big time. Amnesty? Come on now, why?
gfejunkie's Avatar
Don't worry. Not happening.
The Griffin's Avatar
Look, Trump don't give 2 shits about anything but ratings and money. He's a blade of grass, bend with the wind. However, Ryan and McConnell, better get their A game ready, they have guys at the top who can walk away and give a shit. Trump is a NY liberal, he could care less. Rating and money, done!
gfejunkie's Avatar
Washington D.C. deserves Trump.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Twitler is trying to unite the GOP behind his (Bannon's) agenda.

If they won't walk lockstep with him, he's using the only tactic that he knows, which is pitting one side against the other.

He figures if he can't prevail, nobody else will.

Faulty reasoning and not a single shred of concern with the welfare of the nation and its people.

Yeah, bubba, DC may deserve Twitler, but the people don't.
gfejunkie's Avatar
That was decided last November. You should get over it. You lost.

After eight years of Obama I can well understand that reaching across party lines is a foreign concept to you. Sometimes working both sides against the middle is a good thing. It gets them both off of high center so things can start moving again and get done.