The NY Post

berryberry's Avatar

... See? ... Elections REALLY DO have CONSEQUENCES! ...

#### Salty
Republicans win office, they keep the status quo and say it is better than when Dems have office.

When Dems win office because Republicans didn't do shit, they get blocked by the votes that the Republicans have, so they can't make anything worse. Republicans vote against everything they would benefit the country.

Then Republicans run on the basis of the Dems screwing everything over!

It's happened that way every time the president has changed between red and blue.

Republicans don't want to solve problems, they want to campaign on the fact that there are problems
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Talk about an alternate reality, the executive branch doesn’t need congress to fuck up the country, quite obviously. The problems didn’t exist until biden implemented his America last policies. To say democrats haven’t “made things worse” is living in denial. The status quo from 2 years ago wound a dream for anyone who drives, eats, or buys pretty much anything else.
bambino's Avatar
Talk about an alternate reality, the executive branch doesn’t need congress to fuck up the country, quite obviously. The problems didn’t exist until biden implemented his America last policies. To say democrats haven’t “made things worse” is living in denial. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Kinda illustrates why Bribes poll numbers are in the 30’s. There are that many blind people in the US. They should be in single digits.
berryberry's Avatar
Talk about an alternate reality, the executive branch doesn’t need congress to fuck up the country, quite obviously. The problems didn’t exist until biden implemented his America last policies. To say democrats haven’t “made things worse” is living in denial. The status quo from 2 years ago wound a dream for anyone who drives, eats, or buys pretty much anything else. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
You are so right. As one can see from the one response on here, libtards live somewhere between a state of denial and land of make believe

All Senile Biden had to do was nothing - and keep the status quo and we would not have runaway inflation, a massive border crisis, gas prices projected to hit over $6 a gallon this summer, war in Ukraine, etc, etc

Libtards who voted for Senile Biden are personally responsible for the destruction of our country
... And IF petrol-gas prices top $6.85 this summer
Biden will have officially TRIPLED gas prices in Pittsburgh
from when Trump was on.

... Trip - TRIP - TRIPLED!

### Salty