That Trump Economy!

ben8888's Avatar
I know a lot of you bleeding heart liberals will hate this.... But CHA CHING 3rd quarter reports out the company i work for hit 210% of our projected earnings for the 3rd quarter and are on pace for the BEST YEAR EVER!!!!!!!!! CHING CHING CHING.... CHING CHING CHING.... CHING CHING CHING CHA CHING... Thats the sound of my biggest quarterly bonus going into my bank account and the phat fucking 401k profit sharing hitting..

TRUMP 2020!!!!!
I'd be impressed if he actually did it, but he didn't. He cut CORPORATE tax rates (from 35 to 21%), while lowering the cost of living adjustments for everyone else. That "bonus" people got, is frontloaded, so they will now pay MORE taxes (roughly $450-500) starting in 2 years when the “Flexibility Credit” expires, and he repealed personal exemptions which used to allow $4,150 in write-offs.

Grats, people drank the Trump-aid, and failed math.

But then again, so did he, he was 1.1 BILLION in debt when he "sort of" took over.
I know a lot of you bleeding heart liberals will hate this.... But CHA CHING 3rd quarter reports out the company i work for hit 210% of our projected earnings for the 3rd quarter and are on pace for the BEST YEAR EVER!!!!!!!!! CHING CHING CHING.... CHING CHING CHING.... CHING CHING CHING CHA CHING... Thats the sound of my biggest quarterly bonus going into my bank account and the phat fucking 401k profit sharing hitting..

TRUMP 2020!!!!! Originally Posted by ben8888
What I would be interested in is what does your company sell and what policy actually makes your Company run? There really are stupid fucks all around and some actually earn a living too. Wow. Now run give it all to a few hooks. (Insert eye roll) In addition whatever is going towards your 401k this quarter won’t make you rich. Otherwise cheers to you. I own my own business and take regardless of what old fuck sits in Washington.
Its obvious he works in a business that has seen more traffic due to limited options caused by Covid, I'm sure nothing the president did had any affect on this companies bottom line, except hand them millions in PPP money to a company who didn't need it.

Almost as stupid as saying i won the lottery because trump is president.

(PPP loans were socialistic handouts, but Trumptards are too stupid to see that.)
lilylivered's Avatar
If the area isnt doing well, it is because of that asshole in Albany
with his fake plague shutting everything down.
Trump is the only sanity around
so of course libtards want to replace him.
ever lived in a red state, or do you just assume all states are the same, cause i can tell you first hand NY is phenomenal versus florida, which i lived 10 years....

living the blue state life, preaching red is just plain ignorant.

Go live in a shit hole like Florida and you wouldn't have anything to say about it, since its run Republican. I'd bet you would hate living in Florida way more than NY.
lilylivered's Avatar
Yes I have lived elsewhere and NYS is very anti small business. The population has dropped dramatically and only idiots would move here. I am only here for family. Then I am moving the fuck out to a state with some freedoms!!!!
Liberal: Willing to respect or accept behavior or opinions different from one's own.

You're absolutely right, Mr Bankrupt is not liberal. There are Mexican druglords with
a straighter moral compass than Trumpty Dumpty. At least with the druglords you KNOW
you're getting screwed, with Trump he just makes up some numbers he doesn't understand,
then goes full-blown denial when someone who knows "math" tells him he fucked up.

Like.... every tax accountant on the planet.
Maxx_Power's Avatar
he repealed personal exemptions which used to allow $4,150 in write-offs. Originally Posted by Nubom70

This was an effort to reduce the number of people filing long form and reduces processing time and audit review costs at the IRS. I made out better with the new deduction set up

The law raised the standard deduction to $24,000 for married couples filing jointly in 2018 (from $12,700), to $12,000 for single filers (from $6,350), and to $18,000 for heads of household (from $9,350).
ben8888's Avatar
Ive already been through in previous posts how a lot of our businesses success has been due to Trumps tariffs. So libs be mad at anything and everything lol....
Pretty sure those tariffs got repealed long ago, you stuck in June 2019 ?
ben8888's Avatar
Pretty sure those tariffs got repealed long ago, you stuck in June 2019 ? Originally Posted by bf0082
Really the china tariff on aluminum got repealed? still misinformed?
ben8888's Avatar
I will throw you libs a bone though.... Covid is rip roaring through one of our factories avging 1-2 new positive people a day... and the factory is in.... drum rollllll commie cuck fuck California...but democrats handle covid so much better...
Gotyour6's Avatar
I played the stock

Made a small fortune in

Cleaned up in options but almost lost BIG TIME on that.
Plastic Man's Avatar
liberal: a dog cunt who done ...hates the country an only sees ...other people based ons ...their skin color er ...who they fuck er much money they done ...mades