It si my solid belief that no one should be allowed to run for president wihtout having military experience, and by experience I mean a solid military background.
The fact that OBama doesn't has led to his complete lack of understanding of the need for defense spending. Now i agree 100% defense spending is out of control and there is alot that needs to be changed, but cuttign funding where OBAMA did is not the answer!
And the Veterans are getting screwed in the ass since Obama took office. He has no respect for te people who have pledged their life to defending American people from enemies BOTH domestic and foreign! (Too bad no one sees rthat Obama is the "Domestic" of which they speak) the Veterans were away from their families and lost years of experiences watching their kids grow and their parents age, they gave up alot for this country and we have dropped the ball! Cutting their healthcarew, their benefits, closing their hospitals and their housing makes little difference in th3e budget but HUGE difference in their lives. m
THANK YOU VETS AND IT IS A TRULY sad Day that OBAMA cuts more and more of their benefits and healthcare