Review option for search - Fat / Athletic / Skinny / Asian / Black / White

Is there any way to search forums based on this criteria? If there is not, there should be. Let me know if so. I know when you post reviews there is no pre defined selections so just typing in the term is not accurate since if you search for "skinny" everything comes up like "not skinny by any means" and people usually use skinny in a negative way -- personally, the skinnier the better for me.

The wording of physical descriptions is entirely up to the reviewer. Ethnicity, however, is selected from a drop-down of predetermined terms. Just search for the terms exactly as they appear in the drop-down and you'll get very accurate results, at least with regard to ethnicity. (Except for the occasional review of a white girl described as "having an ass like an African," and such). Hope this helps!
Staff edit....removing spam