Dailys Closed?

I wanted to see a Latina today and that just did not work out in my favor.

Started at Dailys. I actually forgot to call and make an appt. When I got there, the sign was off, and there was someone trying to open the door.

When I drove by, looked like screws were driven into the door frame to keep door closed.

Assume they are done?

Didn't head to Richardson to hit the sister shop because I wasn't sure what was going on. Headed to 21 instead hoping for Jasmine. My luck she's gone home.

Anyway.... anyone know anything about the Daily situation?
I went there last week, sign was still up, but the door was propped open with a brown paper sack attached to the doorway that said “cerrado. closed”. I peaked in but the lights were off, so I left. I guess it really is closed for business. Although it was pricy, there was some nice women there.