Most of you have probably heard of Ashton Kutcher & Demi Moore's anti-sex work ad campaign, claiming that "real men" don't pay for sex. Well, Village Voice (owner of Backpage) has started a pro-decriminalization campaign and the most recent installment is a debunking of the ridiculous "100,000-300,000 trafficked children" bullshit so beloved by prohibitionist fanatics:
Well, Wednesday night Ashton went ballistic, tweeting the equivalent of "how dare you question me?" over and over. Then he sent his minions to blitz the Village Voice site with the same stupid criticism of the first page of the article (ignoring the rest), alternating with stuff like "it's OK if innocent people are persecuted if even ONE CHILD is saved!!!!!11!!one!!1"
Those who care about this subject may wish to express your own opinions there to balance out the anti-sex crowd.