Rain, Rain, go away....

TemptationTammie's Avatar
After my drive back to Austin with pouring down rain at times. Almost blinding at times.
How do you drive in the rain? Do you turn your lights on so others can see you easier when it's coming down in sheets? Do you do the speed limit or slow down or maybe even pull off the road?
CaptainMastPole's Avatar
I just look at my 2 radars and my navigation computer. Lol.
TemptationTammie's Avatar
LOL. Funny CMP. But if you were driving a car?
It was horrible today. North Waco / Bellmead...had serious- flash flooding. Wonder how much rain we got. Dannngg!!!
Strangedays's Avatar
It was the same when I left there and came north this morning. As long as I can see the road and tail lights then I just keep making progress safely. If I cant see I slow down and get as far right as possible. My lights are automatic so they are always on. The one thing I cant stand is when people put there hazards on at night in a rain storm, I'm trying to focus on the road and they have lights flashing in my face lol.
TemptationTammie's Avatar
I rarely use my hazards - only if I have to pull over or already pulled over.