Real-Quiet has stalker potential

Tye's Avatar
  • Tye
  • 05-03-2015, 08:54 PM
On Friday May 1st at 10:15am Real-Quiet contacted me via text (even tho my ad says no text if we haven't previously met...Red Flag #1) and said....

{staff edit- removed private conversation between parties- CK}

30min goes by and nothing.....

{staff edit- removed private conversation between parties- CK}

(which has been my experience; someone will text, ill text back and say please no text, if interested give me a call, and I never hear from them)

RQ called and said that he was not a time waster but that he had jumped in the shower. I said ok, did you want to set something up. Its 11am at this point. He said yes. I asked him my screening questions (who is his friend who seen me, what does he (RQ himself) do for a living, and what other girls had he seen because under his profile he only had one review) He seemed a lil taken aback by my questions and in my opinion a little apprehensive about answering my questions (Red Flag #2). After answering them, I proceeded to ask if he wanted to come by to which he said yes, for a qv. I told him the general vicinity of where I was and he said it would take 20min, I told him to call me when he got to the intersection and that I would tell him where to go from there. We got off the phone at 11:01am.

After we hung up, he texted me again at 11:04 and said

{staff edit- removed private conversation between parties- CK}

During this time I took to wait for him, I continued to get myself together and pack my stuff because, again, I was going to be leaving town. I had time for the qv appt before check out had he arrived within the 20min as he said it would take.

Noon comes around and I don't hear anything. At this time its been an hour since we spoke and 40min past what he said it would take to get there. No text, no call. Nothing.

I text him and said

{staff edit- removed private conversation between parties- CK}

(that's the name his phone was registered to, which I got from different apps I use for screening purposes)

{staff edit- removed private conversation between parties- CK}

Keep in mind he NEVER CALLED OR TEXT in the 20min time frame he said it would take from the intersection I told him to contact me from. (Red Flag #3)

{staff edit- removed private conversation between parties- CK}

Hmmm....Why would u ask me to come over if I already told you incall only and you had already said you were on your way and would be to me in 20min....doesn't make any sense. And if you were on the phone with your boss, again, it has been 40min past the scheduled time we were supposed to meet, so you mean to tell me you couldn't text and let me know what was going on? Something doesn't seem right. We were supposed to meet roughly around 11:20-11:30 if it would of taken 20min from the time we got off the phone.

{staff edit- removed private conversation between parties- CK}

The End

While I know I may of been wrong for saying to tell whoever I said hi, he was totally in the wrong for the way he handled things as well. I try to keep a sane schedule and when people waste my time and bullshit me around, it fucks a lot of shit up. Time is money and I hate when either is wasted. Keep in mind, I would NEVER cross those boundaries and contact anybody family member. However, I don't feel like a lot of these gents respect us and our time the same.

All of his actions were stalker-ish to me. How the hell do u show up some where, park and just WATCH someone for (at least) 30min, telling them what they are doing, what kind of car they are driving, etc. but not make a call or text to say you're in the area. Super weird to me.

Thankfully I wasn't staying at the hotel he thought I was so he was "stalking" someone else and I hope it wasn't another provider.
CryptKicker's Avatar
#9 - No form of private communications between members are to be posted in our forums. This includes the contents of emails, PMs, IMs, private chat logs, privately shared images, etc. This is an invasion of another's privacy and will not be allowed.
Tye's Avatar
  • Tye
  • 05-03-2015, 09:54 PM
So basically nobody will know the full story or the truth regarding his behavior? Ok. So it's ok for guys to say what they want about us providers and accuse of this and that, but it's not ok for us to defend ourselves against those accusations and tell the full, truthful story? Just wanting to make sure I'm clear on this.
CryptKicker's Avatar
They can always PM you for the information. You just can't post it here.
Tye's Avatar
  • Tye
  • 05-03-2015, 10:27 PM
Well if anyone wants to know the FULL TRUE STORY behind Real-Quiet's unacceptable behavior, feel free to PM me cause I would hate for him to be sitting in a hotel parking lot watching you without you knowing like he thought he was doing to me
Tye's Avatar
  • Tye
  • 05-03-2015, 11:09 PM
I guess ill "generalize" since I cant put ALL the FACTS on the table.

at 10:15am on Friday morning I was asked if I was still avail in Lubbock as he seen my ad that I was leaving for midland. I said I was and he asked for how much longer and if I had time for a qv, said he seen me on eccie and that he had a friend that had seen me prior that recommended me, and asked if could do outcall. I let him know I was only doing incall and he asked if he could meet in 30min. This was at 10:30am. I said to please call as I prefer no text if I haven't previously met you.

30min goes by and nothing so I assume he's like the rest of the people who text to waste time and don't ever call or follow thru with an appt. I told him that and he called saying that he was in the shower. I proceeded to ask my screening questions..(refer to my above post). Its 11:01am at this point, says he wants to come by and I tell him the general vicinity of where I am. he said it would take 20min. I said ok, call when u get to the area, which should be roughly 11:20-11:30.

Noon comes around and nothing. no call. no text.

I let him know that I didn't think it was a very good idea to waste my time and he says he showed up but saw that I was packing up to leave.


He proceeds to tell me that I was at ***** hotel and that I was driving a grey car and was basically watching what who he assumed was me while talking to his boss on the phone.

So lemme get this straight.

we had an appt for 11:20-11:30 because at 11 you said it would be 20min and by noon I still hadn't heard from him, so he was sitting in the parking lot of where he assumed I was talking to his boss for 40min without thinking to text and say anything about our appt? Sounds fishy to me.

Potential Stalker....or police lol...

Who sits in the parking lot of a hotel for (at least) 30min and watches someone?! That's like some private investigator type shit....
I've been on the site for many years. I took alittle hiatus trying to get shit straight with my life. Anyways I saw Tye some months back in one of her first visits to Midland. From my experience it would be best for you guys to save your money with this one. Big waste of time.
Tye's Avatar
  • Tye
  • 05-04-2015, 06:38 AM
I've been on the site for many years. I took alittle hiatus trying to get shit straight with my life. Anyways I saw Tye some months back in one of her first visits to Midland. From my experience it would be best for you guys to save your money with this one. Big waste of time. Originally Posted by Smash&Dash

I'm sorry you feel that way, however, having a bad experience doesn't permit another gentlemen sitting in a parking lot and watching someone for 30min
  • Brit
  • 05-04-2015, 07:00 AM
I saw him "RealQuite" a few days ago seemed cool 2 me on time respectful great hygiene.
Tye's Avatar
  • Tye
  • 05-04-2015, 07:30 AM
I can only speak of my experience (or lack of) with him
john_deere's Avatar
what it sounds more like is you reporting your PERCEPTION of your experience. he may be a complete douchebag, i don't know, but neither do you. you seem to be projecting negativity on somebody you've never actually met based on a very imperfect means of communication.

when combined with what seems to be a growing consensus that you have a less than friendly attitude, this "report" looks like a bad marketing decision.
Tye's Avatar
  • Tye
  • 05-04-2015, 09:20 AM
My perception? Lmao! Or what he said and did via his text to me? and you're absolutely right, when someone wastes my time, I'm not too happy or friendly about it. Whether it be another appt I could of had, doing homework, working out, or taking my dog to the park, I like to stay and be productive and when I can't be due to someone else's choices, I can have a tendency to be pissed.
I've been on the site for many years. I took alittle hiatus trying to get shit straight with my life. Anyways I saw Tye some months back in one of her first visits to Midland. From my experience it would be best for you guys to save your money with this one. Big waste of time. Originally Posted by Smash&Dash
I'll second this statement and there are about 6 other guys that say the same
john_deere's Avatar
My perception? Lmao! Or what he said and did via his text to me? and you're absolutely right, when someone wastes my time, I'm not too happy or friendly about it. Whether it be another appt I could of had, doing homework, working out, or taking my dog to the park, I like to stay and be productive and when I can't be due to someone else's choices, I can have a tendency to be pissed. Originally Posted by Tye
yeah, but here's the chose to interpret all this as him being stalkerish, which on a board like this is a serious charge.

he may have been a time waster and/or a poor communicator, but unless i see the text messages, i see no reason to level such accusations, and it's not going to work out in your favor.
Tye's Avatar
  • Tye
  • 05-04-2015, 09:46 AM
yeah, but here's the chose to interpret all this as him being stalkerish, which on a board like this is a serious charge.

he may have been a time waster and/or a poor communicator, but unless i see the text messages, i see no reason to level such accusations, and it's not going to work out in your favor. Originally Posted by john_deere
Feel free to text me!