Candaces place busted by cops?

  • kbw10
  • 01-09-2012, 09:30 AM
I have heard rumors that candaced house where her crew worked out of in ft worth wss raided by the swat. Have not seen her advertise her or her "crew" lately. I wonder if it le is doing more stings since it is a new year. Has anybody else heard any news on them?
White Tiger's Avatar
My understanding from one of the girls there that I have seen a few times off site is that the place was closed by Candace for other reasons and that it will not be re-opening. Haven't heard anything about a raid.
omakase's Avatar
No reports about a bust but you'll want to read this thread by Emma Blue Eyes:
As this is pure speculation and not and alert, moving to co-ed
No candaces house has never gotten raided if you were an actual previous client of any of the girls you would know that candace has not worked out of the house in over a year now nor any girls I have posted the reasons candace closed down the office
notdeadyet's Avatar
In addition to Emma's comment (and she ought to know), I have a difficult time envisioning a SWAT team armed with M-16s and dressed in battle gear descending on a body-rub parlor. That would be quite a sight, wouldn't it?
yes thats exactly what I was thinking
This is what comes of idle speculation.
In addition to Emma's comment (and she ought to know), I have a difficult time envisioning a SWAT team armed with M-16s and dressed in battle gear descending on a body-rub parlor. That would be quite a sight, wouldn't it? Originally Posted by notdeadyet
It would indeed be funny if a cow had a wooden tit, wouldn't it?
Im sorry i did not get my facts straight before calling you out kbg seeing how you are a provider actually so once again please stfu with your idiotic rumors as a provider you know that sort of talk hurts all of us which you should know so please set aside any jealousy you have and just focus on yourself!
KBW10 You posted this same crap before
In addition to Emma's comment (and she ought to know), I have a difficult time envisioning a SWAT team armed with M-16s and dressed in battle gear descending on a body-rub parlor. That would be quite a sight, wouldn't it? Originally Posted by notdeadyet

That is the way they shut down Texas Show Girls one night; Masks, full body armor, lots of personnel, and weapons...

It appears the OP has an agenda or super duper inside info...

But a little paranoia is always a good thing..
LazurusLong's Avatar
That is the way they shut down Texas Show Girls one night; Masks, full body armor, lots of personnel, and weapons...

It appears the OP has an agenda or super duper inside info...

But a little paranoia is always a good thing.. Originally Posted by J.G. Wentworth
How quickly some forget. Thomas of Swedish Institute fame anyone?

On January 19, 2006, Dallas Swat raided the brothel known as Swedish Institute and the idiots inside refused entry. Never a good idea.

Skip forward to minute 5 to get the raid, yes this is bad quality but it was the best I could find quickly.

With the amount of cash and many times other things we can't discuss on here, the police must assume the owners and operators are armed and take appropriate actions.
That is the way they shut down Texas Show Girls one night; Masks, full body armor, lots of personnel, and weapons...

It appears the OP has an agenda or super duper inside info...

But a little paranoia is always a good thing.. Originally Posted by J.G. Wentworth
Amen, J.G. - I posted some of this on the other thread started by the same pinhead.

I saw another member of the Crew off site recently and had a wonderful time (not the one mentioned as the culprit here). I never visited the site simply because I don't like stationary "target-rich" environments.

I hate it when someone screws up a good thing and everything I ever heard about Candace and her operation was top drawer.

My wishes for good luck, good earnings and safety go out to all the good girls and Candace.

As for the newbies posting to sully the reputations of Candace and the good ones, I say piss off.
I agree I clearly stated why candaces office shut down

and you simply still make remarks on "candaces house (which nobody has worked out of the house in over a year) getting raided by swat and le" three seperate occasions my question is why are you a provider member with no reviews seeing how I had to have three reviews to even become a member and you dont advertise on here and all your post are something negative to pick on somebody else so please before you make a 4th post about candace place getting busted or raided think about it!

