A clown escort and also? Clown porn???

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Alright. Here we go. sugarweasal.com I have not met this person but I believe that I wish to. When you go to his site, there is music and although I generally do not like music on a site, his song is funny.

Also, there is clown porn. Oh wow. This is something new to me.

Clowns have always been something from childhood or characters that have scared the crap out of some friends or especially male friends.

What is THIS about?


ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Would you have sex with a person in clown makeup? That can be another direction with this topic.

I was driving by the mini wal-mart near uptown and a clown couple was broke down on the side of the road. I wanted to stop and help but also wanted a picture. I swung into Wal-Mart to get some popsicles for them because it was hot and by the time I got back they were gone. It would have been fun to have a clown couple in my car.

True story, I swear.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
EW, I have gone to bed with ladies in clown makeup. In my defense, I was much younger, very drunk and the lighting in the bars wasn't very good. Alas, the "cold light of day" revealed to me the error of my ways.

(I know, I know - really not on topic but sometimes I just can't resist, even at 60, certain sophomoric antics)
missi hart's Avatar
if it is true what they say about guys with big feet, then clowns must by frickin' amazing.
if it is true what they say about guys with big feet, then clowns must by frickin' amazing. Originally Posted by missi hart
Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
I was driving by the mini wal-mart near uptown and a clown couple was broke down on the side of the road. I wanted to stop and help but also wanted a picture. I swung into Wal-Mart to get some popsicles for them because it was hot and by the time I got back they were gone. It would have been fun to have a clown couple in my car.

True story, I swear. Originally Posted by anova444
Are you sure there were just two of them?

.....Usually there are at least seventeen to twenty in one of those little bitty cars.
SlowHand49's Avatar
Yeah, but aren't the feet on most clowns big but kinda floppy?

I'd consider sex with a woman in clown makeup -- if she was also a magician and capable of doing amazing things with a wand . . .
I was doing some serious rubbernecking because that was my first thought. If there were more, they would have been in the trunk. It was July so, I hope not.
What would it be like to attend a clown social?...
Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
I was doing some serious rubbernecking because that was my first thought. If there were more, they would have been in the trunk. It was July so, I hope not.
What would it be like to attend a clown social?... Originally Posted by anova444

The roar of the greasepaint and the smell of the crowd!
Yeah, but aren't the feet on most clowns big but kinda floppy?

I'd consider sex with a woman in clown makeup -- if she was also a magician and capable of doing amazing things with a wand . . . Originally Posted by SlowHand49
Me too.
agent smith's Avatar
Have always had an extreme dislike for clowns. If someone shows up at my door dressed as a clown they will prolly get punched in the mouth, or at the very least, told to fuck off. I would rather spend a day in the snake pit from Raiders of the lost ark than even spend 5 minutes sitting in the same room with a clown.
if it is true what they say about guys with big feet, then clowns must by frickin' amazing. Originally Posted by missi hart
It's mostly all shoe...just a portion is feet. But to keep the proportion up, they'll have to wear super, duper magnums while being regular in size.
Prowordsmith's Avatar
Swell! Now every time I get turned on I'm gonna have a nightmare! Thanks!