What else can we do?

bodyworx's Avatar
I need some help understanding the trolls that posted hate on one of our reviews recently. I like to keep it all real; so, I'm putting my question here for ladies and men to give me input. I would love it if you all would be sweet, but let me have it if you have to.

The reviewer was new and I couldn't see the ROS; but what I could see sounded honest and true although a bit short. Sophia is short and thick. Her pics show this, and the reviewer said as much.

prince_c3 chimed in w/ how disappointing the review was. He likes to post on our reviews; so, no surprise there even tho he still calls each week to get in. He's easy to understand.

This next troll tho is really what I'm asking about. Cage196 posts about how we upsell like crazy. He has been to every single one of us. He even told me that he was seeing everyone for the purpose of informing everyone on this Board about our agency. As soon as he said that, I knew he was going to post hate, but I still let him visit us all. Nothing to hide here. He really likes to post on our good reviews. Not sure what the goal is, but ok. Maybe he really cares that much about the members on here.

My question is how can we be any more transparent in our ads than we already are. Our pics are real, the reviews say this; and we post our levels and donations albeit disguised a bit but not really.

What else would these trolls like for us to do? Color me Cornfused over here. Orrrrr is it just that they are trolls, and we can't do anything else to please them. Inquiring minds want to know.
Brandofan's Avatar
I haven't visited with any of you so I can't speak to the veracity of any reviews, but there is a lot of debate and infighting among fans and promoters of various houses. Plus...

ManSlut's Avatar
OP’s question: “What else can we do?”

Is it affecting your business? If not, ignore it.

If it is, ignore it, you’ll make it worse by whining about it... One person’s negative opinion shouldn’t make a difference unless it is a pattern you keep whining about and making it more visible...Whore’s make this mistake all the time with just one negative review.
I know nothing about those individuals. But in general if someone is a troll or if you believe they are, the number one best thing you can do is completely ignore them. I realize that is counterintuitive and I understand you might feel it is unfair (and it is) and you might be afraid the negativity is going to hurt your business. Could you possibly lose a potential client or two, sure but they will likely be the variety of client that you’re better off not having to deal with.

When it comes to reviews the aggregate of reviews over time is far more important than any individual yes or no. And individual comments matter much less. If you’re consistently providing good service it will show. Also… while I will never tell them directly and I won’t mention their names, there are one or two gents on here whose reviews I always read and I weight their opinions over others. This is because I have followed their recommendations in the past and found that their inclinations fall fairly well in line with my own. I think it’s safe to say that most of us do this. So if there is a negative review from someone I don’t trust, like or know and a positive review from someone I do trust, that positive review is going to be the one that I will ultimately end up believing.

More importantly, trolls are fairly easy to recognize. Negative experiences happen, that’s just part of life. But it is unlikely for every encounter someone has to end badly. When someone is spreading only negativity, people notice. If every post seen by someone is all about how horrible a provider is and how much bullshit they had to deal with, people will notice that. And that person loses credibility and you stop listening. Trolls crave attention. What a troll wants more than anything is a confrontation and a dragged out fight. Calling them out and trying to defend yourself might feel like the natural thing to do but you’re giving them the opening to the very thing they want. Once you do that, they’ll try to escalate. Ignore them, and like a flame without oxygen they will eventually flicker out. They will likely move on to another target. They might occasionally continue to throw shade your way just to test you but no one will care. Focus on things within your control because in the end that’s all you can do anyway.
Admiral Giggle's Avatar
The majority of guys would not have known if you hadn't posted this thread.

If you have issues with a review, a rebuttal can be posted in COED, but the old adage "Be careful what you wish for" comes into play.

Seeing this post peeked my curiosity to go look. The same would be said for many others.

MS is correct. If it doesn't affect your business, let it disappear into the pages to be forgotten.
I've always left there a happy man. Just sayin'.
I say keep doing what your doing. Seems to me like your core customers are happy and from what I've seen and read you do as much as possible to try to take care of the customers that are less than satisfied. Even tho the website can be a little cryptic and confusing, the time I was there no upselling or anything else happened at all. Everything was at the price listed on the website.
My only suggestion is maybe figure out a way to give a little guidance or suggestions about what is offered to the clients coming in for the first time.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 10-04-2021, 03:37 PM
Pimps lol
winn dixie's Avatar
Recruitment on hines must be a bitch

DownForWhatever's Avatar
Yes...please let it go.

You have solid YES Reviews...let the trolls be trolls.

We know they can't help it.
Pimps lol Originally Posted by BLM69

One might find that post offensive if one actually took that post seriously.
Pangolier's Avatar
Can't speak for other guys, but I for one usually don't pay much attention to reviews, because I think the majority of them are bogus. I think most reviews are either vendettas of some kind, trying to get free access to paid areas of sites, pimps attempting to promote their girls, or just hollow, arrogant, stupid people trying inflate their egos with tales of sexual triumph regarding encounters that never even happened. Not all reviews, just most of them. I feel I can usually spot a legit review, but typically I don't go looking for ones to verify as real. I think the only surefire way to know one hasn't been fabricated or exaggerated is if you know the author personally and know if they would have a motivation to lie.

For me, I know I'm taking a chance when I see a new girl the first time. Same thing when you are looking for a house to buy... If you order a home inspection and find out the house has hidden mold, you don't get your money back from the home inspector just because you choose to cancel your contract.

It's just the price of doing business looking for the right girl. That's why girls who lie about their appearance by using outdated photos only walk away with a few hundred dollars at the most. And what's that going to last them? Two weeks tops, spent on food and partial rent? Then they have to go out looking for some other client who doesn't know they show up late, smell like rotten eggs, or whatever other problem they presented. Whereas the girls I've found who are worth seeing eventually get several thousand, if not tens of thousands of dollars over the course of a long time.

You see our dilemma? In the home buying example neither the appraiser nor the home inspector are biased to either party because they still get paid whether the home sells or not. If the buyer retracts his bid, it doesn't matter because they aren't getting a refund on either inspection.

Whereas with reviews there's always the potential for a conflict of interest. Even if we know the forum name / board handle reviewer, we don't know his real identity or why he is writing the review. Or if the member is not established, we don't know if the review was written by the girl herself to puff up her business, or a negative review by a competitor.

There's simply too much risk of being impartial for whatever reason for me to trust the majority of reviews. Not saying I never look for them, but there's very few I've seen that I really confident are truly 100% authentic.

As a side note, more and more girls are mandating a no review policy; partly due to legal reasons. I've seen some girls have reviews removed from sites once considered to be impervious, after their lawyers sent out cease and desist orders to the domain owners.
corona's Avatar
... Our pics are real, the reviews say this; and we post our levels and donations albeit disguised a bit but not really.

What else would these trolls like for us to do? Color me Cornfused over here. Orrrrr is it just that they are trolls, and we can't do anything else to please them. Inquiring minds want to know. Originally Posted by bodyworx
Pics are accurate? Services/rates clear?

Sounds to me like you're not doing anything wrong. People may not like the rates, but as long as there's no surprises bcd, everyone knew that going in.

My advice, be a duck, let it roll off your back.
Its funny how a valuable contributor suddenly becomes a "troll" when you are the one hes contributing about. Maybe my definition of "acceptable service" and the next guys definition are two different things. Feel free to reach out to me directly and ill be happy to answer your questions ( Even though I wrote you after every single disappointed visit I had and said " if I was running a service, I would hope someone would give me this valuable feedback" ) . But you really didnt seem to care at the time until now.
almostfamous's Avatar
I have visited you ladies at least 4 or 5 times and always left with a smile on my face. As for upselling, I was told the various options and prices but no selling was involved. You(plural) just laid out my options and let me choose. Your prices are a little higher than solo providers, but then you have more overhead to offer a better experience. So the price differential is worth it in my opinion.

I know trolls can be frustrating but your best option is to ignore it. Life is full of people who think the world owes them whatever they want. That is the definition of a troll.

I never understood that mentality in this hobby. I am convinced I get better treatment by being respectful and courteous.