A question for the providers. What is the

appropriate way to ask what is on your menu? I am not sure how this is done. I was at a providers hotel room and she wouldnt tell me, even after I told her I would give her $20. This is after I passed her LI tests. She wanted the full amount, which I didn not give her and just left the room. Upset and frustrated that I just wasted my time and hers. I know providers do not discuss this on the phone. So, if not on the phone and not in the room after passing the field tests. Then when and how is the best way to find out if she is what I am looking for??
There are just somethings you shouldn't be askin a lady..regardless if she screened you already or not....I cant imagine she felt at all comfortable and was probably happy and relieve to not go through the appointment...Whats on your menu is a very baiting question...fyi...and then offering her extra money..lol....

even if i knew the client from his handle on any of these sites if he asked me what my menu was....( id tell him "running really super fast!!" And then Id runn right up outa there)..lol..just kidding but not really....Id def let him know that Id have to end the convo and that would be that...and no appointment would be coming of it...

perhaps you should stick to the ladies that have reviews and you can see what some of their menu is by not having to ask her directly..at least till you know how to handle yourself without wasting each others time and putting folks in uncomfortable positions..good luck..nita..
TY Nita, so basically there is no proper way to ask a provider what she does and doesnt do? It is more of a crap shoot if she doesnt have reviews or if she doesnt feel like being the same way with you and she was with someone else.
you got it babe..if your dealing with an unknown..you are dealing with the unknown...

I treat every client diff..because all my clients are diff...not every appointment goes the same way even with the same client...you cannot possibly think this girl is gonna do the same with you as she did with someone else right...there are too many things that arent the same from one guy to the next..granted they have the same equiptment..but then even the equiptment and how they use it is diff from the last or the next guy...

Everything you do and how you handle yourself determines how the appointment goes or doesnt go....
you got it babe..if your dealing with an unknown..you are dealing with the unknown...
Originally Posted by anita germane

What Anita said.

Thats what I and all else would call TOFTT.

If you meet someone with no idea what is provided, I would assume no dfk, daty, digits and cbj and see what happens. Then do a review on here to let everyone else here know what to expect. We all appreciate the input.
  • LynnT
  • 04-11-2011, 01:11 PM
Post an ISO what you want and see what ladies reply if you're looking for something specific. ie: greek, water sports, fetish, etc..

And yes its either toftt or see a reviewed lady. Asking too many questions is a no no for sure. And every gent/session is different always assume YMMV when seeing any lady. reviews will give you a general idea what a lady offers.

There is enough reviewed ladies floating around.. utilize the board to its fullest to minimize crap service or bait & switch, etc.

You men looking for deals on sketchy ads on BP.. well you get what you pay for.. Not saying all ads/ladies are bad there as I, Anita, and other reputable ladies advertise there.. but we all know BP is slim pickins'.
FlyboyNY's Avatar
NF, that is like the lady asking you too many personal questions to screen you. When you first start out you have to give some info but once you get to know a couple ladies they will vouch for you and makes your screening easy. (that is if you are a good client). If you see a couple ladies from here that are well reviewed then you will start to get more information from those of us that have been on the board for awhile. And even then, yes even then YMMV. Just because I post a review and say the lady did this and this doesn't mean she will with you the first the time. Remember, to make this the most enjoyable experience chemistry is important. Not neccessary but very important. And sometimes the first time with a lady doesn't go as well as you planned but you have to take a look at the overall situation. Maybe its worth a second chance and maybe not. Only you can make that determination. One of my ATF's and I did not hit it off very well the first time we met but some people here encouraged me to try again and when I did I was very pleased. You just never know. But remember, caution and discretion are the most important things when meeting someone new.
Just throwing my two cent's in, Most Providers supply some sort of website, which usually has a list of "services". Also, G.F.E. is a pretty specific definition. If one says they are, then you should have a pretty good idea.

  • Snapz
  • 04-13-2011, 12:42 PM
If your looking for a specific fetish, do some detective work on here, Search function is a pretty good start.

Otherwise I'd say go with the flow when meeting a provider, mood and mutual connection dictates the session more than a "menu" will.


That is why it is always good to know many of our ladies who are on here. They are proven.. Reliable... consistant and you know what to exspect from them (for the most part YMMV being the only variable) Nita makes a good point never ask too many questions especially the first time...
The only other pearl of wisdom that I can say that I use regularly is that I will either put a donation down somewhere and ask that it be left in plain sight during the session for ladies whom I don't know or who have not been reviewed. But honestly I don't remember the last time I had to even be asked for the donation from ladies who I know they will either get in in an envelope before I leave or I will leave it on a table after.. It's really up to the lady to dictact how they want it...
Lexxxy's Avatar
Everyone is 100% right, asking that while not in the act plus offering money is an LE thing from what I have been told. My answer would have been "I am not an escort, I am here for fun, you only pay for my time and the room, not my actions. If anything were to happen it would be between two consenting adults, not for money." I would have also asked you to leave if you asked me that while offering me money. My best advice is to research the Lady and then ask while in the act "Hey, do you speak greek?"...
if i don't know you, and you ask questions like that, i will sit there with a dumb look and say i don't know what your talking about & your making me uncomfortable
HlavinKitheri's Avatar
"I have some money for you here. And on a completely unrelated topic, ..." LOL
Lexxxy's Avatar
"I have some money for you here. And on a completely unrelated topic, ..." LOL Originally Posted by HlavinKitheri