I understand deep feelings, one way or qnother, about basic social and political philosophy, particular policies and specific political personalities . . . .but this latest trend in publicly confronting government office holders and government employees cannot be tolerated.
Calls for such confrontation could lead some nut to acts of violence. It already has in the politically motivated shooting of the congressional baseball team last year.
In my view, it does not matter which side of the political spectrum either the aggressor or the victim is on, Dem/Rep, red or blue, conservative or liberal . . .or socialist. This cannot be a freedom-of-speech issue. There are many outlets, platforms and opportunities for public protest.
I grew up during the heart of the Civil Rights movement during the 1960s and 1970s. Service at a public restaurant cannot be denied to anyone. This has been firmly decided and enshrined by statute law, constitutional amendment and judicial president. That someone has been denied service in a restaurant open to the public because they are employed by the Government cannot possibly be a legal act, no matter who is requesting service. That it was done by an verbally aggressive mob is deeply disturbing.