It just gets crazier

ICU 812's Avatar
I understand deep feelings, one way or qnother, about basic social and political philosophy, particular policies and specific political personalities . . . .but this latest trend in publicly confronting government office holders and government employees cannot be tolerated.

Calls for such confrontation could lead some nut to acts of violence. It already has in the politically motivated shooting of the congressional baseball team last year.

In my view, it does not matter which side of the political spectrum either the aggressor or the victim is on, Dem/Rep, red or blue, conservative or liberal . . .or socialist. This cannot be a freedom-of-speech issue. There are many outlets, platforms and opportunities for public protest.

I grew up during the heart of the Civil Rights movement during the 1960s and 1970s. Service at a public restaurant cannot be denied to anyone. This has been firmly decided and enshrined by statute law, constitutional amendment and judicial president. That someone has been denied service in a restaurant open to the public because they are employed by the Government cannot possibly be a legal act, no matter who is requesting service. That it was done by an verbally aggressive mob is deeply disturbing.
I think service to anyone could be denied, however denying it to a Republican WH Press Secretary is stupid, just like denying it to a Democratic one.

Dining and dashing is a big problem in the industry, but in this case, it wasn't an issue.
bambino's Avatar
Just think if Huckabee was black and this happened to her? Or if they denied Ben Carson?
Dr Carson doesn't have "black protection."
ICU 812's Avatar
The lunch counter sit-ins of the '60s and '70s are iconic and basic to the civil rights movement. The Sanders party offered rtoo pay for their ordered food and were told by management to just leave. The party crossed the street and were verbally hounded by the staff of the first restaurant.

The actions of the management of the first place were, I think, illegal. The actions of the mob were outrageous. iF that type of behavior continues, I am afrade that someone will be hurt.
MT Pockets's Avatar
I looked through all the old post and could not find one conservative that was upset when Biden was denied service in the same town. I did however find they celebrated it and many made large orders to help them financially.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I looked through all the old post and could not find one conservative that was upset when Biden was denied service in the same town. I did however find they celebrated it and many made large orders to help them financially. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
Did you look through all the old articles and find were the LBGT staff from one restaurant stalked Biden to a second restaurant in order to continue to verbally harass him, M T Brain Socket?
I looked through all the old post and could not find one conservative that was upset when Biden was denied service in the same town. I did however find they celebrated it and many made large orders to help them financially. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
When was Biden denied service? Did Ronald McDonald follow him to the next restaurant? Never heard of the incident. But make up shit and try to divert attention away.
TexTushHog's Avatar

Calls for such confrontation could lead some nut to acts of violence. It already has in the politically motivated shooting of the congressional baseball team last year.
Originally Posted by ICU 812
“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of . . . tyrants. It is its natural manure,"

Jefferson letter to William S. Smith, November 13, 1787
I B Hankering's Avatar
“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of . . . tyrants. It is its natural manure,"

Jefferson letter to William S. Smith, November 13, 1787 Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Jefferson "favored the rule of reason, not the rule of force. He had strongly supported the successful movement for the political independence of his own country, and, in the Declaration of Independence, he had justified this revolt against what he regarded as tyranny on philosophical grounds which he deemed universal. But this does not mean that he advocated the use of force to attain immediate economic and social ends. He was no prophet of class warfare. He opposed all forms of political, military, and intellectual tyranny; and he championed self-government, believing that, after this had been considerably attained, economic and social ills would be progressively corrected by the orderly processes of legislation. 'Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God' — this was his motto, and he steadfastly hoped that the spirit of resistance would never die. That is the real meaning of his famous saying that is so often misapplied ... [W]hen viewed in its own setting of time and circumstance it was no invitation to bloodshed and certainly not to social revolution ..." p. xvii, Jefferson and the Rights of Man by Dumas Malone for which Malone was awarded a Pulitzer Prize.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Slaver owners.
lustylad's Avatar
“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of... tyrants. It is its natural manure" Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Daayyuumm! The TushHog is back! With Timothy McVeigh's favorite quote! I always figured the Tush was some prissy limousine libtard from Dallas, but it looks like I was wrong. He obviously sympathizes with right-wing wacko domestic terrorists like Tim McVeigh and David Koresh.

So tell us, Tush... why did you go into hiding after hildebeest lost the election 19 months ago? Were you too ashamed to show your face around here anymore? Heck, I even started a thread trying to smoke you out:
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Daayyuumm! The TushHog is back! With Timothy McVeigh's favorite quote! I always figured the Tush was some prissy limousine libtard from Dallas, but it looks like I was wrong. He obviously sympathizes with right-wing wacko domestic terrorists like Tim McVeigh and David Koresh.

So tell us, Tush... why did you go into hiding after hildebeest lost the election 19 months ago? Were you too ashamed to show your face around here anymore? Heck, I even started a thread trying to smoke you out: Originally Posted by lustylad

ahahahahahaaaaa. such a vision of the past of ECCIE. one of my best ever memes. Speed racer!

and there was Spider Man, (Undercunt) and a few more. let's revisit this meme shall we? the Hog should enjoy this ...

Here he cums, here cums SpeedRacerXXX!
He's a sperm whale wearing high heels!
He's a demon cocksucker and he's gonna be chasing after someone's crack!
He's gaining on ya so ya better run for your fuckin' life!
He's busy revving up his powerful gloyhole, the cock5!
And when the cops are after him and there's gloyhole work to be done, you bet your life SpeedRacerXXX will see it through!

GO SpeedRacerXXX, GO SpeedRacerXXX, GO SpeedRacerXXX, GO!

He's off and flyin' as he guns his cock in that gloyhole crack!
He's jammin' down that hole like he's never cumming in that crack!
The gloyhole's waiting just ahead!

GO SpeedRacerXXX, GO SpeedRacerXXX, GO SpeedRacerXXX, GO!


i need to dig up my other memes, as glorious as they are!!!!!

the best is up to cum! Assup's song. i have a grand opus in mind for him, it will be glorious!!!!!

ICU 812's Avatar
I looked through all the old post and could not find one conservative that was upset when Biden was denied service in the same town. I did however find they celebrated it and many made large orders to help them financially. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
Did you look through all the old articles and find were the LBGT staff from one restaurant stalked Biden to a second restaurant in order to continue to verbally harass him, M T Brain Socket? Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I have no memory of that incident. However, if it is so, and I do not contest it, then it would seem that Biden was harassed in public by liberal activists , just as Ms. Sanders and her family was.
lustylad's Avatar
I looked through all the old post and could not find one conservative that was upset when Biden was denied service in the same town. I did however find they celebrated it and many made large orders to help them financially. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
I have no memory of that incident. However, if it is so, and I do not contest it, then it would seem that Biden was harassed in public by liberal activists, just as Ms. Sanders and her family was. Originally Posted by ICU 812
Biden was never harassed by anyone. His campaign advance team asked the owner of a cookie shop (in Radford, VA which is NOT the same town where Sarah Huckabee Sanders was ambushed) back in 2012 if it was ok for Biden to stop there for a campaign photo op. The owner politely declined but sold cookies and cupcakes to the advance team. No harassment or denial of service occurred.

Sometimes Joe Biden even gets FREE SERVICE from conservatives... remember this incident?

Biden gets a free custard cone and reacts by calling the manager a "smartass". Fucking ingrate!

MT Cranium is too stupid to figure out how to google a story, let alone insert a link into his retarded posts. Not sure why I even bother to correct the moron.