Encounter: A Daily Dose of Skyler

greyghost48's Avatar
Date: July 12
Name: Skyler
Phone: 205-304-1484
Email Address: skylerblueyes@gmail.com
URL / Website: ECCIE 453407
City: Starkville
State: Mississippi
Address: Hotel
Activities: Not my regular girlfriend but Skyler was friendly and energetic but very light kissing. Skyler kept me advised of some traffic delays during her drive from Huntsville , Ala.
Hair Length and Color: Medium length dark red
Age: 31
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: Her profile here is accurate and has several tattoos. I believe she has a pierced tongue nose and maybe her lip. She has a very attractive face and some nice MMS, very clean and I couldn’t detect any smoky breath or odor on her clothes.
Recommendation: Yes
I met her a couple of years ago before the MM's were installed. Sweet girl and my ROS was about like yours. Glad you had a good time.