Will The Real P411 Please Stand Up ?

Just Kidding , saw this and laughed , this guy is hardcore into revenge . Musicians always say they know that they have made it , when Weird Al does a parody of them . I guess p411 has arrived . At least Gina is getting out ahead of this one !

Protect Your Login - Update 12.29.12
The person (or persons) behind the spoofed emails that were sent out in October, appears to be working on a spoofed version of the P411 site. The motive would be to collect active P411 members' log in information, so please be alert to this possibility.

Avoid logging into Preferred411 unless you are 100% certain you are on the legitimate site. This means that typing "P411.com" or "Preferred411.com" into your address bar is the safest way to reach us when logging in. If you follow links in unsolicited emails or in posts on message boards, please use extreme caution. Again, the main concern is when you are logging in.... not when you are just surfing around.

Preferred411 is a SSL encrypted site, much like your bank. So you should ALWAYS see https://www.preferred411.com in your address bar when on the legitimate site.

The main person behind these spoofs is a former P411 client, who was removed from membership a number of years ago. He has waged a war against our reputation since and has likely gained a few other disgruntled former members along the way. Also, please note that P411 is not their only target, there are other well known sites in the community that have to deal with him/them, so please be careful wherever you are logging in and be very suspicious of unsolicited emails.

These types of things are of course very worrisome, especially for those who are very concerned about their privacy. Please remember that absolutely NO private information can be found on P411 about you, all we keep is your client id and email address, everything else on your profile is controlled by you. P411 was built so that you can participate in this hobby without giving up your private information, because things like this have unfortunately always been a part of the industry.

Let me know if you have any specific questions or concerns, and please stay safe out there!
  • Paven
  • 12-30-2012, 11:00 AM
Oh and if you happened to log into the spoofed site make sure to change your password!
GinaXXX's Avatar
Oh and if you happened to log into the spoofed site make sure to change your password!
There actually is no spoofed site at this point, right now the offending urls are being redirected to the real P411 site. However, I fully expect that to change.... so please be VERY careful that you are on our SSL encrypted https://www.preferred411.com site before logging in!
squiretuck's Avatar
Everybody better renew their P411 membership before 3/31/2013. Rates go up to $129 per year. Not happy about this, but oh, well. She has something I demand so I guess I will pay.
Everybody better renew their P411 membership before 3/31/2013. Rates go up to $129 per year. Not happy about this, but oh, well. She has something I demand so I guess I will pay. Originally Posted by squiretuck
Yeah, it's an awfully big jump in price. I suspect the end gain will be close to nothing due to the attrition, but as always.... I could be completely full of shit. I'll probably do a multi-year at the old rate.
ozmosys's Avatar
So it went up by $40/year? Wow, wonder how I'll ever be able to scrape up that extra $3.33 per month, 11 cents a day. Might have to take out a second mortgage, or maybe a payday loan is the answer. Sure hope it doesn't come down to paying Eddie the loan shark a visit.

Sorry, I don't have a very good gauge for telling me when to dial down the sarcasm.

But that is a big psychological jump when you go from a two-digit number to three. And it's almost a 50% jump in price.

Do they have any explanation for the increase?
GinaXXX's Avatar
Do they have any explanation for the increase?
I don't have an explanation that our members will like much. They are rather mundane, but here are a few of them, if anyone is interested.

We are in Canada. When P411 started in 2005 the Usd rate conversion to Cdn was about $1.20. So $100 was worth $120 Cdn. Today, the Usd rate conversion is around 0.95, so $100 Usd is now worth $95 Cdn. We lost nearly 25% revenue strictly because of the dollar exchange values. I never thought that the US dollar would be worth less than the Canadian dollar for any length of time, so I priced our service a little too low to start with.

We found ourselves in a situation were we could no longer process our credit cards in North America (because of our designation as an adult site) at 2.8%, and had to move credit card processing to the EU, at a rate of about 8%. We recently experiences another hike in this department, which has taken us now to 10%.

We have also had other unexpected, ongoing, expenses come up. The ddos attack in October cost enough to give me nightmares, and is a new ongoing expense to make sure the site isn't brought down like that again.

The bottom line is that to continue doing the best job we can, we need more revenue. There's no heart warming story to tell, other than it costs a heap of moolah to keep the business running and constantly improving/evolving. In doing one solid jump, I hope to not have to revisit another rate increase for many years.

Everybody better renew their P411 membership before 3/31/2013. Rates go up to $129 per year.
It's actually 3/1/13 that the rate increase will go into place for renewals.

Thanks to everyone who has been supportive of the increase, even if few like it! I feel that we offer fair value for the dollar, and we will continue to do the best job we can to help our members as they navigate through this industry.

Thanks for your responses Gina . Thread has gotten off topic , it is about possible troubles , not about fee increases . Good work getting ahead of this situation , before the rumors start up !
squiretuck's Avatar
3/1/13 vs 3/31/13. Heck I've been known to mess up a rock fight or two. Sorry about the mis-quote. Everybody; it's 3/1/13 that rates go up.
Rate hike! Ugh damn the government bastard!