New Years Eve Resolutions,,do you make them and break them, or don't even bother...

runswithscissors's Avatar
First off, I would like to wish everyone a very Happy New Year!

I was recently returning from San Francisco; the business suits with the button down collars and ties all packed away; all comfy sitting in my Jet Blue seat wearing my sweats with my John Deere Tractor houseshoes (with the working headlights!)

A quick glance at my Hello Kitty watch let me know that the In Flight Tequila Drinking Service was about to commence...

A glass or two of tequila later, I began to think of the New Year approaching; I normally don't make resolutions; I have always just lived my life to the fullest; I always color outside the lines; and I am back to running 90 miles an hour with my hair on fire...

So what are your resolutions this year? Did you keep your resolutions from the past year, do the same ones over and over every year, or just plow through the year and don't bother?

Lets hear some stories! And again, my best wishes to everyone for a healthy, safe, and prosperous, fun, New Year!

And I am posting this in co-ed , not the sandbox,because I know some of you have some naughty answers!
  • Paven
  • 12-31-2012, 09:11 AM
I resolve to get me some John Deer Tractor house shoes! With working headlights? Are you kidding me? lol That's awesome!

I'm not a big resolutions person, I either do it or I don't!
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 12-31-2012, 09:55 AM
My last new year's resolution (made many years ago now) was that I wasn't going to make any more new year's resolutions. So far, so good!

fun2come's Avatar
What's a new year's resolution?
Quit lying to yourself and get real, may be?
mrhamm's Avatar
I don't make new years resolutions as I am in complete control of my life and my urges. I can quit hobbying anytime I want to (I just need to replace with another addiction). For me and alot of people, resolutions are about addictions or a lack of structure in their life. has a good article about what we can do to help facilitate our resolutions or in general, changes we want to make in our life. For me, this article rings true. I associate my computer with sex. I know I can meet a provider, look at porn, or hunt for NSA sex when sitting at the computer. When I sit down in the hope of doing work, I inevitably turn to sex instead.

I wish everyone luck with their resolutions. It's a good to try to better ourselves.
fun2come's Avatar
... I associate my computer with sex. ... Originally Posted by mrhamm
You must be using an Apple ... My computer is completely unsexy
ozmosys's Avatar
Was going to say that computer sex is overrated, and post a lame joke about getting the general caught in the CD tray door when it closed. But you all know that never really happened, so that would be lame. (It totally did!)

I've got some specific lifestyle changes to phase in this year. I'm not planning on going all gung-ho starting on New Years Day. That never seems to work for me.

Maybe it helps when you have a strong reason. We'll see.

Interesting link. Makes a lot of sense, a lot of the bad stuff we do is done in automatic pilot, and it's usually associated with a locale.
Rogue_Gent's Avatar
As for resolutions, I have my own fiscal year
PeAcH's Avatar
  • PeAcH
  • 12-31-2012, 01:11 PM
I have a resolution every day I wake up:
To be a better person than I was the day before.

I think it's silly, but admirable to those who keep resolutions, to make one time a year to try and improve something or try something different.

Life is too short! Make those changes or adventures sooner, don't wait for New Years to do it!

runswithscissors's Avatar
Very well stated, as always, PeAch...

I have been very lucky in meeting people both in the hobby world and the real world who, like myself, live life to the fullest everyday...

Some people who desire change in their lives need a "starting point", similar to the starting line on a racetrack, and choose New Years Day to begin anew....most fail because of the pressure they put themselves under...

So my advice to the Resolution Makers; as PeaAch suggests; start your changes today, tomorrow, or the day after, it doesn't have to be New Years Day, but make your Resolutions and pat yourself on the back and live life to the fullest....
runswithscissors's Avatar
I resolve to get me some John Deer Tractor house shoes! With working headlights? Are you kidding me? lol That's awesome!

I'm not a big resolutions person, I either do it or I don't! Originally Posted by Paven
My houseshoes ROCK!!!

Expect a call, Paven; I will stop by; you can turn the lights off and dance by the lights of my John Deere Tractor Houseshoes.; I'll tap my feet to the beat of the music...oh baby baby, oh baby
fun2come's Avatar
5 agreements anyone?

Be Impeccable With Your Word.
Don't Take Anything Personally.
Don't Make Assumptions.
Always Do Your Best.
Be Skeptical but Learn to Listen.

DallasRain's Avatar
suck more C&ck!!!! lol

{seriously,enjoy life more}
runswithscissors's Avatar
5 agreements anyone?

Be Impeccable With Your Word.
Don't Take Anything Personally.
Don't Make Assumptions.
Always Do Your Best.
Be Skeptical but Learn to Listen.

Details: Originally Posted by fun2come
Those are good ones, Fun2come....

Here is an interesting link, also just for everyday resolutions, not just the New Year...
No resolutions for me. Last years resolution(and the 3 prior to that - no kidding) was to drink more. I got drunk twice last year and both times it kinda ruined my evening and the following 24 hours(Hangover). I'm sticking with coffee and lots of it.