Coming to town

broncoboy's Avatar
Ok so I am coming into town Friday, December 4 in the evening will be there all day on the fifth leaving the morning of the sixth I had something set up with a provider who had a family commitment come up and thankfully she let me know yesterday so I have still time to try and set something else up I’m staying at Harrah’s I am looking for a little me time pampering I do have sort of a fantasy type scenario that I had set up but I’m looking to do if any ladies are interested in helping me in meeting up please hit me up and we can talk and see if we can help each other I am not super active in the hobby as you can probably look for my profile but when I do get my opportunities I try to take full advantage
broncoboy's Avatar
I am still planning on being there Friday night late evening anyone available ?
DallasRain's Avatar
try YourDesire

have fun
I will be around. I know that we’re all curious what does fantasy is