Bidenomics still working.

More job more jobs more jobs. And for you Debbie downers, more people are entering or re-entering the job market as well. 300,000 more jobs. It’s looking good for Biden.
  • Tiny
  • 06-02-2023, 10:40 AM
Thank You Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell and President Trump! Your restructuring of corporate taxation in 2017 is paying dividends in spades, as American Companies continue to move jobs back to America! And thank you Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin, for not letting President Biden screw it up!
More job more jobs more jobs. And for you Debbie downers, more people are entering or re-entering the job market as well. 300,000 more jobs. It’s looking good for Biden. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Yeah but no one else, lol.
Thank You Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell and President Trump! Your restructuring of corporate taxation in 2017 is paying dividends in spades, as American Companies continue to move jobs back to America! And thank you Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin, for not letting President Biden screw it up! Originally Posted by Tiny
Poor Tiny. I’m starting to feel sorry for you.
New jobless claims are also increasing. Biden's idiot green new deal energy policies are destroying the economy long term, but it will take 5 to 10 years for the devastation to become obvious to everyone,
More job more jobs more jobs. And for you Debbie downers, more people are entering or re-entering the job market as well. 300,000 more jobs. It’s looking good for Biden. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

Now for the rest of the story that you didn't post. I got this from a commodity marketing service I use for help in marketing grain.

New nonfarm payrolls totaled 339,000 for May versus expectations of +190,000; however, the unemployment rate ticked up by more than expected, from 3.4 to 3.7 percent. Caution was paid to the fact that the bulk of the jobs gained were summer-based leisure service and construction jobs, while positions were cut in manufacturing and higher-paying financial service jobs
Now for the rest of the story that you didn't post. I got this from a commodity marketing service I use for help in marketing grain.

New nonfarm payrolls totaled 339,000 for May versus expectations of +190,000; however, the unemployment rate ticked up by more than expected, from 3.4 to 3.7 percent. Caution was paid to the fact that the bulk of the jobs gained were summer-based leisure service and construction jobs, while positions were cut in manufacturing and higher-paying financial service jobs Originally Posted by farmstud60

^^^^ This.
But I did hear that Kanye is hiring a bunch of minimum wage workers to help get rid of all his excess Yeezy merchandise. Maybe an opportunity if practicing law gets slow.
Ripmany's Avatar
I thought you said biometrics is working, getting on a hooker board witbbiometrics Scarry.
Bidenomics is working. More and more jobs.

Whine all ya want Trumpys. It’s great that workforce participation is up. That’s a good metric which shows there’s more jobs and workers.

Geaux Biden
Thank You Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell and President Trump! Your restructuring of corporate taxation in 2017 is paying dividends in spades, as American Companies continue to move jobs back to America! And thank you Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin, for not letting President Biden screw it up! Originally Posted by Tiny
Bleedin' Piss! ... Just spilled-over me beer from laughing!

... Biden surely could fit all his economic success
into a thimble -- and still have room for his thumb.

#### Salty
  • Tiny
  • 06-02-2023, 06:51 PM
Bleedin' Piss! ... Just spilled-over me beer from laughing!

... Biden surely could fit all his economic success
into a thimble -- and still have room for his thumb.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
It's true Salty! The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) in 2017 cut the corporate tax rate, so that America went from having the highest corporate rate in the developed world to the middle of the pack. The GILTI tax on foreign income realized by American corporations and provisions to encourage repatriation of cash from overseas were perhaps just as important in bringing jobs back to America from foreign countries.

Now it didn't happen instantaneously. You don't close down an operation in Ireland for example and move it to Austin the year after a tax cut. That takes time. But take a look at this. These are investing cash flows per share for the S&P 500 going back to 2017, the year before the TCJA took effect. They're negative because they represent money spent, mostly on fixed assets like property, plant and equipment, and intangibles like software.

2017 -141.34
2018 -138.90
2019 -181.10
2020 -214.82
2021 -221.41
2022 -226.86

Investments per annum by the S&P 500 companies have increased by 60% since the TCJA took effect! Fixed Private Investment, another measure which just includes investment in the USA, is up 30%.

And corporate profits resulting from this additional investment in America are kicking in too. In fact, tax receipts on corporate income were the third highest in history in 2022!

Now those numbers admittedly aren't adjusted for inflation. But total federal receipts as a % of GDP also are up, to the fourth highest level in history in 2022. All under a tax regime last modified by the TCJA.

Yes, the Congressional Budget Office estimated federal revenues would drop by about $1.7 trillion over 10 years as a result of the TCJA, when the bill was passed. My bet is it will be less. That's more money left in the hands of the people and businesses, which drive growth in America!

And so what has Bidenomics done for the long term economic health of America? Well, Bidenmomics is like a disease. There was the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan which ignited inflation. Followed by the pork laden Infrastructure Bill, Inflation Reduction Act and CHIPS bill, which basically were all corporate welfare. All told, Biden and the Democrats passed legislation that would result in $5 trillion in unfunded spending during the two years they controlled the Presidency, Senate and House. It's called the bankrupting of America. Republicans managed to claw a little of that back with the debt ceiling bill that just passed.
Bidenomics is working. More and more jobs.

Whine all ya want Trumpys. It’s great that workforce participation is up. That’s a good metric which shows there’s more jobs and workers.

Geaux Biden Originally Posted by 1blackman1

A total freaking lie, none of what you say is true.
  • Tiny
  • 06-02-2023, 07:00 PM
Bidenomics is working. More and more jobs.

Whine all ya want Trumpys. It’s great that workforce participation is up. That’s a good metric which shows there’s more jobs and workers.

Geaux Biden Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Yes, the labor force participation rate is up,

But it's still below the levels before COVID hit. The TCJA is a wind at our back. On the other hand, re-regulation by the Biden Administration and excessive regulation by blue states and municipalities is holding us back. The Republicans and Joe Manchin did insert wording in the Debt Ceiling bill that will force Biden et al to quit stonewalling infrastructure and energy projects. That should help.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Yes, the labor force participation rate is up,

But it's still below the levels before COVID hit. The TCJA is a wind at our back. On the other hand, re-regulation by the Biden Administration and excessive regulation by blue states and municipalities is holding us back. The Republicans and Joe Manchin did insert wording in the Debt Ceiling bill that will force Biden et al to quit stonewalling infrastructure and energy projects. That should help. Originally Posted by Tiny

so .. the Biden economy is just a shadow of the Trump pre-COVID greatness.

who knew??

It's true Salty! The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) in 2017 cut the corporate tax rate, so that America went from having the highest corporate rate in the developed world to the middle of the pack. The GILTI tax on foreign income realized by American corporations and provisions to encourage repatriation of cash from overseas were perhaps just as important in bringing jobs back to America from foreign countries.

Now it didn't happen instantaneously. You don't close down an operation in Ireland for example and move it to Austin the year after a tax cut. That takes time. But take a look at this. These are investing cash flows per share for the S&P 500 going back to 2017, the year before the TCJA took effect. They're negative because they represent money spent, mostly on fixed assets like property, plant and equipment, and intangibles like software.

2017 -141.34
2018 -138.90
2019 -181.10
2020 -214.82
2021 -221.41
2022 -226.86 Originally Posted by Tiny
I cut some of your post so this one wouldn't be so long, but just so I'm getting it're saying that a measure Trump took in 2017 is now showing benefit in 2023, 6 years later? Yes, it takes time for things to take affect.

But WHO does that mean would be responsible for the economy during Trump's 4 years in office??