While I supported and continue to espouse most of the "Trump agenda", I am hopeful that Mr. Trump is NOT the Republican Ccandidate in 2024.
If Mer. Trump is the Republican candidate, Pr4esident Biden will also run and probably win as centrist 'indipe3ndant" voters refuse tyo endorse Mr. Trumps arrogant drama.
However, If Mr. Trump is not the Republican candidate, whoever IS the nominee will be seen by centrist undecided voters as the only responsible, effective, coherent adult on the stage compared to President Biden.
Originally Posted by ICU 812
I don't view the Trump "Agenda" to even be about Politics per se. I view it as a Whistleblower of sorts. Trump exposed the Democratic Party for what they really are. A disruptive, corrupt sordid cast of characters. So the arrogant drama that Trump displays is all for a reasonable purpose. Chuck Schumer even admitted "If you fuck with us we have six ways to Sunday to shut you down" and that's what they did. Trump gave them a run for their money and they didn't like it.