Topic about "CLOCK WATCHING"...everyone plz chime in (ladies & gent's)

So, I have been thankful enough to be called out during a session how men have enjoyed my time and NOT being a clock watcher.

But sometimes I feel that I have too be. When it comes to FBSM...I don't need to be because I have it all timed perfectly! I don't mind going over sometimes with those that don't make it a habit or for those I have great chemistry with. But sometimes I feel taken advantage of because I'm NOT a clock watcher.

We all have good months & bad months. That is a given in this business. I prefer to stay "low volume" but during those so-called bad months, I may need to have a few extra appts booked. So, how can I book appts and not semi- watch the clock either?

Reason for the post is...I have (maybe now its "had", not sure) a regular that may or may not turn into more of a SD arrangement. But, he always would book 1 hour visits, outcall to Spring and I'm in Katy. But we ALWAYS ended up spending 2 hours every time. So, I never would say anything about it until just recently. I mentioned to him again that I think the SD would benefit him more as I do discount for getting "full" allowance up front vs. being giving my booking gift every time we see each other. So, we discussed the whole issue, as if something you feel is wrong and you want to fix an issue...wouldn't you want to know about it?? So, since we discussed it, he came across as he had insulted me by taken up an extra hour of my time and asked me how much he owe'd me. I told him not to worry about it and let's start fresh.

Now when I try to say hi or how are you doing. I'm only getting short answers in return. As if I hurt his feelings.

How do you stop the madness and get beyond where we can play nicely again?
Wakeup's Avatar
Women...this is why I don't date...they're all fucking nuts.

First you tell a guy your hourly rates but let him stay an extra hour without paying for it. Then you say he should consider being your SD so he can get extended time for that rate. Then when he asks how much he needs to pay for his two hours, you tell him nevermind, it's fine.

What the already sound like his wife...

"Honey, we really should hire a gardener, the yard needs some attention."
"If you're saying that I need to work on the yard, I'll go work on it. Should I?"
"No honey, it's fine."

in this life women charge for their time.. and the SD arrangement might be out of his price range.

That or he had one before and it burned him... guys will hobby at whatever level they are comfortable they are with.
boardman's Avatar
Total threAD...
Russ38's Avatar
in this life women charge for their time.. and the SD arrangement might be out of his price range.

That or he had one before and it burned him... guys will hobby at whatever level they are comfortable they are with. Originally Posted by Mr. GPop

Actually, I'm his first ever provider. But whatever. Some may not agree with this thread and say she's crazy. but there are some out there that might actually appreciate a thread of such being talked about.
gearslut's Avatar
The clock isn't a secret. We all know we're on it. As a provider it's nice that you might go a little over for regular or some kind of special client. However if repeated times you went an hour over and at some point shortly after the first 60 minutes failed to inform your client that we are now into another hour to be paid for then what did you expect to happen...... A misunderstanding is a pretty safe bet at this point. As for your months that you need to schedule extra sessions the same rules apply. The session lasts for as long as it was scheduled for, give or take a few minutes. Not sure if that answers your question because I'm not sure what the real question is here.
  • anita
  • 04-28-2015, 09:27 AM
I have the same problem. In one hour sessions we are usually right on time or 15 minutes over. But multiple hours sessions we go about 30-35 minutes over. This is the type of problem that comes with not watching the clock lol. But I don't care, because it also means he enjoys my company.

I think you let him know that pretty nicely. Not sure why he is sending short replies. Maybe he thought you didn't care about going over the time limit with him. Maybe set up an alarm clock?
HoustonDan's Avatar
As long as the clock isn't staring me in the face, as long as I can't tell I'm getting bounced after 20 minutes for an hour session, you definitely can clock watch. It's your time and your business.

I've got a 5 minute "hour-glass" in my office that gets flipped on when someone walks in to pitch me an idea or sell me a product.


Wasting your time isn't cool. I always appreciate it when a provider goes over on time because we've had a great connection. That usually ends up benefitting her too.
He's a big talker and even longer on the companionship part. It's an outcall, which makes it harder to sort of notice what time it might be. I enjoy his company, that is why I said never mind about have much extra, but I wanted to bring it too his attention so we could come to a happy medium so it doesn't happen all the time. I've discussed this with him twice now, this last time a little more in detail. So if you already know that you take a lot of time....then just book for the extra time in the first place. I'm not one to be rude or discuss $$ in person. I like to have all my apples together before the visit begins. We went out to lunch, which was my idea and he asked me what this was going to set me off by. I said...nothing because it was my idea for lunch. Then afterwards I asked to make sure...just 1 hour, right? He said, yes just 1 hour. But when I was trying to leave I look at my phone and it was 2 hours. So I saw a pattern with him. It's always going to be 2 hours on target. So when he wanted to get together a few days ago, I just kindly mentioned it and he felt like he had disrespected me. He's new to the hobby. very new. So I felt like to talking to him about it so we can make things right and he doesn't do something like this all the time or to a different provider if he choose to see a different provider.

This board is used to gather information, whether it be an alert, venting, getting comments from other that might be useful later on. When I see a topic that does not interest me....I move on. Some of those on this board need to do the same. That's what I'm trying to say. Nicely.
I appreciate those that actually gave a great comment. For all others....smh
Could he possibly be under the impression that the "clock" dosent start until the clothes come off?
Great question Nikki.
If I get a chance to discuss further with him, I'll bring that up.
Wakeup's Avatar
So you started a conversation with him about him not paying enough for your time, and when he offered to pay more, you told him not to worry about it.

You can't understand his confusion? Why have the conversation in the first place if you didn't care about the extra time or getting paid for it?

Russ38's Avatar
BSC.....all of em'.....