ArtJazzSoul not your typical HOBBIEST! WAIST OF TIME

When he came in he was wanting to talk, which would be absolutely fine but for 30 min. Then wanting to start his hour session after that. He was full of himself telling me how pretty he was. It literally sounded like he wanted to make love to himself. He was so creepy, talking about he was the best thing on Eccie and wanting to "make love" when clearly my add states my interests. Then at the end of the session he was being impossible and not wanting to leave. Ladies this guy is just to much, gentleman y'all know how Raine likes it!!!!! Rough and a nymphomaniac!!!! Just like OldYeller said a 1000 lbs of nympho in a 100 lbs bag!!!!!!
tpepsi's Avatar
Sorry you got a NO review.

This is clearly not alert worthy.
Clearly a retaliation alert for a review that didn't go your way. This type bs takes away from legitimate alerts.
artjazzandsoul's Avatar
Sorry that I wasn't your type and you didn't like my review, sweets. I definitely don't consider myself the best on ECCIE, since that's up to others to decide. I wish you the best of luck in 2017.
oldtiger's Avatar
Not alert worthy.

Moved to proper forum

pickupkid's Avatar
Some men like to talk buts it counts same at time as activities of love. Its time they are paying for. Some men ask dinner/date . the dinner is often counted as paid time . If you just want sex, you'll need to make that clear.
LMAO. HOLY COW. this is the guy that had left just when I met u that night. I remember u telling me about how weird it was An that he took up all the time talking; and still wanted to come back after your next client. Probably to chat.
Nothing wrong with Chatting but u pay for TIME!!
pickupkid's Avatar
Some men like WHAM BAM THANK YOU MAN. Some men like to talk. Some men like to kiss. each to his own.
Definitely a lack of chemistry here - no need for either one to get all butt-hurt over it.
Dr Grey's Avatar
Some men like WHAM BAM THANK YOU MAN. Originally Posted by pickupkid
I would hope men don't like this, LOL...

Everyone is different. Some gals don't mind breaking the ice over wine, catch up with old regulars, etc. Others, especially a first time meeting someone, meet and greet can take 10 min or less. I've seen reviews where gals meet guys at a local bar or restaurant, to see if they are compatible over a drink or go to lunch after a session. Others, all time is accounted for and up to you what you do within the hour or however long you book for. Just touch base in the initial pm's after screening if they are ok with such things or not and what you have in mind for your session.

Communication before a session is key. Any lady who has met me, know I ask things. Hell, I ask regulars things still. A no review could of turned to a yes, and less awkward, had things been discussed beforehand with a session laid out beforehand with knowing convo would need to be limited in the hour. Doesn't have to be a flurry of text, can be laid out in one follow up pm after screening.

The review seemed to me like a pretty honest one, and no foul play involved. Just didn't click, doesn't mean the lady is a bad provider as many seem to like Raine here.
n81428's Avatar
Well if he was clear about wanting GFE, then convo is what is important in the beginning. Heck Camille even requires it, so she doesn't clock it. But she's high class that way. Just sounds like a miscommunication. Both parties could kiss and make up.
Well if he was clear about wanting GFE, then convo is what is important in the beginning. Heck Camille even requires it, so she doesn't clock it. But she's high class that way. Just sounds like a miscommunication. Both parties could kiss and make up. Originally Posted by n81428
Thank you for the compliment, my dear, but I believe you may be speaking of a different lady

I go with the flow of how I see that the gent wants the visit to go, but all activities, give or take a bit of a wiggle room, are on the clock as I am getting paid for my time. I just don't want anyone to get the wrong impression of how my visits are.

The key is always communication and self awareness. If I sense my partner is spending some extra time conversating, it's my job to lead things in a direction in which he won't feel like I burned his time. For as long as I have been in the business, my partners don't feel rushed, they are aware of the time we have together.


SofaKingFun's Avatar
...If I sense my partner is spending some extra time conversating, it's my job to lead things in a direction in which he won't feel like I burned his time.


Camille Originally Posted by Camille Fox
Ding! Ding!! Ding!!!

Winner, winner chicken-pot-pies for dinner!!!

(and that is one of the many reasons Camille rocks!)




guy fawkes's Avatar
I can always count on this section when I am bored during my travel to ROFLMAO
mitch p's Avatar
[QUOTE=Camille Fox;1059039951]Thank you for the compliment, my dear, but I believe you may be speaking of a different lady

I go with the flow of how I see that the gent wants the visit to go, but all activities, give or take a bit of a wiggle room, are on the clock as I am getting paid for my time. I just don't want anyone to get the wrong impression of how my visits are.

The key is always communication and self awareness. If I sense my partner is spending some extra time conversating, it's my job to lead things in a direction in which he won't feel like I burned his time. For as long as I have been in the business, my partners don't feel rushed, they are aware of the time we have together.



Some providers could learn a lot from this amazing lady. I have never had a no experience with any providers on eccie,however Camille's people skills focus in on you and makes you feel very relaxed. Then the rock star fantasy begins. Just amazing.
Ladies keep in mind that some men might feel awkward at first so if you initiate contact first with a shoulder massage that would be a great ice breaker. I personally like providers with MSOG on the menu. Nothing worse then the awkward silence between pops sometimes. So ladies take charge of this situation. I am with you to be entertained by you so keep my mind focused on you. I know that can be difficult but that's what creates a great ATF.