Thank U - 'a' - and your answer is socialized medicare for all - aka 'berniecare"
Originally Posted by oeb11
Wrong again 'o'. I am for Group Health insurance from the employer for companies that offer health insurance to their employees. I am for keeping the ACA for the individual market. A self employed person like a plumber would be in the individual market. Biden is for the same thing, Group health insurance from the employer and keeping the ACA.
Bernie and AOC are for a single payer system like Great Britain and Canada. Biden is not for that and has stated so several times.
BTW when you turn age 65 and if you are in the individual market, you will be on a single payer system called Medicare. Why is that because health insurance companies don't want to insure or write a policy for someone who is 65 years old or older. You are deemed to big of a risk at that age, even if you could pay the premium without government assistance. Why? At age 65 there is a high probability you will submit a claim for something.
Health insurance is all probability and risk, if think otherwise you are fooling yourself.