Get off your behinds, guys...

Fancyinheels's Avatar
Notice how many good providers have been commenting on threads in the daytime lately? They have time to be hilarious and/or insightful right now 'cause biz is slow. School's back in, vacations over, so time to help provider economic recovery and stimulate someone. You guys need to get off your butts and get us girls back on our butts!

This has been a pubic self-service announcement.
Meoauniaea's Avatar
Or an ad...haha
LOL! Trust me, I'd rather be laying up with one of the providers on this board rather than slaving away @ work. I know for me, back to school has put a serious dent in my hobby budget. I've got 3 boys and all of them need shoes, clothes, school supplies, lunch money, etc. I won't even mention orthodontic work on top of all that. I think the guys who still have school age kids would agree that we want to hobby but it's just not in the budget.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
It is tight right now. (The economy, not me, although....) Just might as well grin and bare it.

Seriously, I don't know how you parents do it. I took my twin 10-year-old niece and nephew to the mall on tax-free weekend to shop for school clothes. YEGODS! Wiped out my pocketbook and my patience.

That's why I have a la natural chihuahuas. Naked is cheap. Well, except for us providers.

This, too, will pass.
DallasRain's Avatar
wooohooo Lets play everybody!!!!
I wanna get nekkid with Fancy!
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I think I am doing my part in keeping the ladies busy
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
The only people with income stream visibility nowadays are government schmucks.

Generally speaking, of course.

Everyone else is listening for the whisper of that government axe arcing down to destroy their business. The lucky ones. The others already been axed.

People in the private sector are either too scared or too broke to rent escorts all that much. That's only going to worsen until the Obama agenda has been defeated, decisively and in detail.

Then prosperity will return.
yngtxn's Avatar
I already have it on my mind to have another Halloween romp with you fancy.
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
Back to School Sale...
95Fatboy's Avatar
I, humbly. am doing my best....... (sly grin)
The economy is hurting the providers BECAUSE it's hurting the hobbyists! Let's get some economic stimulation going so we can get the physical stimulation back on track!
I agree with fancy ( hi honey ) it is slow, but I also understand I have a son who just started his senior year in HS, and wow I thought it would be easier , but he needs more stuff now that he is a senior than he ever did before...and I will have to think about that back to school special idea * Wink *
internet_inventor2's Avatar
Laws of supply and demand will eventually take over, IMHO. People have cut their budgets, hell I called a floor guy who I know is hurting for business but his rates are still high. I asked him why hasnt he cut his prices yet, the explanation was something along the lines of not getting people used to those rates, yada yada. I wonder how much longer he will be in business.......

I have a provider that is UTR who I like to visit, but her rate is high and I cant spend like I used to. I can see two or three great providers for the cost of one time with her. She asked me why is everything so slow, why I dont visit too much anymore, I kind of hinted that maybe she should drop her rate a bit but she laughed it off, gave a response like the floor guy. I don't haggle so I just dont visit that much anymore, I am sure she will figure it out and if she doesnt want to lower her rate, it's her choice.
Guest091710's Avatar
i ran a back to school special and worked every day this week, but today. And that was only due to a cancellation. Bite Your pride and run a hellofa special and they will come. No offense intended, as i had to think twice about going as low as i did, and what the repercussions may be when i decide to go back to my normal rates. But tough times call for tough measures.
Meoauniaea's Avatar
^^You get it.