Jim Brown 1936-2023

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
We know him as an actor (he always did the athletic scenes), activist (but not a radical), and I understand that he played a little football.

He pulled his weight unlike people like Sharpton and Jackson. He didn't come off as a threat to the white power structure (just kidding).

I'm really surprised that a faux black man would not have posted this first.
Ducbutter's Avatar
An athlete with unworldy skills. It's said he changed the game of lacrosse.
lustylad's Avatar
Awww shit, did the guy who broke all of those NFL running records get kicked off the dim-retard reservation??


"...when I look at television I see all these announcers become experts and they're pointing the fingers and they're not doing a doggone thing but pointing their fingers, I find myself really pulling for the president."

Ducbutter's Avatar
I'm purposefully avoiding the political (I know, go figure) re: Brown. A singular talent . Agree or disagree with him politically, you had to respect him. At least to his face.