
Kayla Foxx's Avatar
I've have my eccie dates that I've seen email their reviews of me to the eccie Dallas mail box as I was told it was several dsys ago, if there's something ełse I need please let me know. I was told this was the lady step I'm so excited hope to hear something soon.
Duke of G's Avatar
Sorry we seem to have trouble getting your information. I replied to your email and Matador also sent instructions for getting verified. We want to help you out, but we haven't recieved the right types of information.

Please read this thread for details on the type of information we need to complete the process:

- When you email the staff with your VP credentials, please identify your ECCIE member name (preferably with a link to your profile). Your old Kayla Foxx name and reviews haven't been connected, and if so, you should restore access to THAT profile, not start a new one.
- If another member is vouching for you, they must send a separate email with their member name/link stating that they are vouching for your member name. You can''t just tell us "I know so and so, and I've visited with gentlemen X,Y, and Z." We need them to send in an email as verification.
- "Permanent advertising" means a website, P411 or other major advertising. Backpage ads are not considered for this.
- There is no "magic number" of reveiws that you must get for VP status. The reviews must be from established members, however.

Please email with your information so we have all the right pieces, and we'll be glad to help you get verified.