Mexico Seems To Be Sidind With President Trump.

I doubt you will hear a word about this on the MSM Lackey Networks..
HoeHummer's Avatar
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Originally Posted by HoeHummer

HoeHummer's Avatar

Yous got nothing and you knows it, Trumpsucker.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

Yous got nothing and you knows it, Trumpsucker. Originally Posted by HoeHummer

if you say so, Yssup Rider.

I doubt you will hear a word about this on the MSM Lackey Networks.. Originally Posted by Jackie S Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Funny how HoeHum would reply with the non-current leader of mexico as somehow diverting from the fact Mexico is stepping up and assisting in border protection for the US.
LexusLover's Avatar
Not really "Funny" .... but Fox stole enough to build two walls ...

... the second along the Northern Border to keep YR AKA HoseHummer from returning.
Not really "Funny" .... but Fox stole enough to build two walls ...

... the second along the Northern Border to keep YR AKA HoseHummer from returning. Originally Posted by LexusLover
If you don't steal at least 100 million as Presidente you look weak and will not be effective.
How much did he steal?
LexusLover's Avatar
If you don't steal at least 100 million as Presidente you look weak and will not be effective.
How much did he steal? Originally Posted by friendly fred
You have to ask a Pemex accountant on board while he was President.

$100 million?

Echeverría was rather notorious to the point that Pemex would not disclose the real reserves discovered in Mexico to thwart excessive stealing by the President. Pemex had dual "accounting" systems: the actual vs. the disclosed reserves.

A cab driver down there once told me that "Echeverria" was considered a "good President," because he ONLY stole $160 million while he was President (70's). Portillo "awarded" the "Good President" by giving him ambassador status during Portillo's reign in office. Fox claims to be worth about $10 million. By comparison a pauper ... a LYING PAUPER.

If one wants to know what is really happening with the "cartels" in Mexico ... follow the money!

Or just ask Fox!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar

Yous got nothing and you knows it, Trumpsucker. Originally Posted by HoeHummer

yous knows?

canadians don't talk like that.
LexusLover's Avatar
yous knows?

canadians don't talk like that. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Like all his other personalities .... he's faking it. His computer is in the Austin area .... but that area has been an attraction for gays and whining, whimpish NeverTrumper TYPES for years .....

... just look at the posters .... who claim to be from there.
Which one of the two Drag Queens is BoneHummer?
HoeHummer's Avatar
yous knows?

canadians don't talk like that. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Like yous have a fucking clue!

Pull your finger out of your arse, dilsy.

Nobody on this sites can explain how Mexico is Sidind with the fat lying bastard...

Can yous?
  • Tiny
  • 01-20-2020, 04:48 PM
A good friend of mine, a Mexican, hated Trump when he was first elected. He echoed Vicente Fox's comments. The reason? Trump said he'd make Mexico pay for the wall. And remember the choice words he had for Mexican immigrants,

“They are not our friend, believe me. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

Then Lopez Obrador, a far left candidate, was elected president of Mexico. Now he loves Trump. Why? Because he believes Trump pushed Lopez Obrador around and made Mexico stop the flow of illegal immigrants from Central America across its southern border. My friend blames illegal Central American immigrants, and Lopez Obrador, for increasing crime and violence in Mexico. I'm not saying he's right or wrong, that's just what he believes.
LexusLover's Avatar
...My friend blames illegal Central American immigrants, and Lopez Obrador, for increasing crime and violence in Mexico. I'm not saying he's right or wrong, that's just what he believes. Originally Posted by Tiny
He's wrong. #1: There have been "illegal Central American immigrants" passing through Mexico for decades .... Mexico's Southern Border policy was to stamp their "papers" with the date of entering and they had 3 days from that date to get out of Mexico (over the Northern Border [Our Southern Border]. The pretense of the illegal immigrants was to travel to Canada who recognized their flight from persecution and execution by the people attempting to oust their respective government from which they fled. Their "document" station was the Federal facility in Vermont on the way to Canada.

#2: The "violence" has been crime related to smuggling for decades as well .... during that time neither LE nor military were effective at curbing crime and in fact they were collective scared shitless to enter the mountains close to the West Coast. They were out-gunned and out-flanked wherever they went. Mordida kept things rolling for the criminals and kept the locals opposed to inviting the U.S. to join with assistance. When U.S. did enter they were identified, targeted, captured, tortured, and killed ... if they weren't extracted immediately.