Question for Biomed1

I have received a PM from another mod informing me not to "call out" or "target" other members, but I've been very careful recently not to personally insult other members the way some have done to me, so I'm confused as to what the threshold is for "calling out" and "targeting." If I provide some examples here, can you clarify for me and everyone else which of them constitute "calling out" or "targeting?"

Why do you continue to lie?

Here is one example on this thread - there are others on other threads: Originally Posted by berryberry
Why do you lie? The leftists and tranny lovers argued on multiple threads in support of policies allowing deranged tranny's to use women's rest rooms, locker rooms, etc.

LOL, so in your mind it's ok that this poor girl was attacked in a women's bathroom by some deranged tranny because it was just one incident and you can always find some member of the group who does it. That is sick. What part of allowing these deranged tyrannies the ability to go into women's restrooms and locker rooms and thinking there is no safety issue do you not understand? Originally Posted by berryberry
Once again you have not backed up your false claim. No members posted in favor of bathroom violence.

There is such a thing as cisgender whether you agree or not. Your agreement has no bearing on the existence of the defined term. "You want it to be one way, but it's the other way." -Marlow Stanfield

You also haven't answered the question as to what it means to be a leftist to you? Is simply being a registered democrat enough for you to consider someone to be a leftist? Is it just anyone to the left of Trump's Cult of Ignorance? Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
Once again you're being dishonest. The reasonable man HD wasn't expressing that he was pleased with assault. He already expressed that he is against that. You're twisting his words. It's hard for me to understand why anyone would want to be purposely dishonest like this, when it's easy to see that he's against bathroom violence committed by any gender. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
... Hmmmm... We understand.

You were too soft to be out on the pitch?

They surely created XBox and Playstation for lads like you.

... Ye Christ!... "Neon Deon" ...
Deon cannot even recruit talent to play for him...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Lol then it must be hard for you to look in the mirror

Immature as usual, no backpeddle he is a pussy because he is afraid to tackle . Saying he couldn't tackle my granddaughter brought the point o u t that's why I think he is a pussy.

In the post I wrote I think he is a pussy compared to woodson,you are either to dumb or Immature or arrogant to realize, I was throwing out an olive branch to you to end the discussion. I now realize guys like you are what you are.

Carry on y and d Originally Posted by chizzy
The last example clearly crosses the threshold of personal insult. I've received 5 point for less on multiple occasions.

I'm asking this publicly for two reasons. First, because I asked the mod who PMd me if he could be more specific, so that I could understand what he was talking about, but he did not want to educate me more specifically as to what he meant by "calling out" and "targeting."

"Calling out" and "targeting" are pretty vague descriptions. Does it mean that I'm not to refer to any member by name? Am I not to quote any of their posts that I disagree with? Am I not to introduce the truth to the myriad of lies that are told in this sandbox? For example, HDGrissle supports transgender rights in regards to bathrooms, and then berryberry twists that into saying that HD supports people being assaulted in bathrooms. It's an obvious lie. It's an obvious example of berryberry twisting someone's words. Am I not allowed to point that fact out?

I've been trying to abide by the rules here, while at the same time opposing blatant lies with the truth, and also opposing the hate of different groups like LGBTQ, immigrants, black people, etc., so I'd appreciate some clarification as to what I can and can't say in regards to that stuff. It doesn't make a lot of sense to me that people should be allowed to post that kind of stuff, including dozens of LGBTQ hate threads from the same person, dozens of immigrant hate threads from the same person, and dozens of obvious lies from the same person, but I'm not allowed to post in opposition to the lies and the hate, but if you clearly set the line with a detailed explanation, I will follow it, the same way I've been recently refraining from personal insults. If the person is allowed to post all that hateful stuff, it makes sense that I should be allowed to post in opposition to it in those threads. If a person is allowed to blatantly lie, it makes sense that I should be able to post the truth about their lie (excluding anything that would reveal personal information), but it's your sandbox and your rules, so if you can make a detailed clarification, I will do my best to follow it.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Shouldn’t this be a private discussion between you and the mods?
Shouldn’t this be a private discussion between you and the mods? Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
I asked for clarification in a private discussion and the mod (not Biomed1) did not want to give clarification. The rules specifically state that we are allowed to respectfully ask for clarification. I've respectfully asked, and I've given my two reasons as to why I asked publicly.
What about these:
LOL. It appears that you actually do need that grammar lesson. Learning the first law of holes may be a good idea as well.

I never stated an opinion on the gay displays, nor did I attempt to justify the opinion of others. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Your inability to understand plain English is the problem. Clearly, you can’t grasp the difference between first and third person pronouns, which is kinda sad. That’s not ‘calling out’ or a personal insult, only a simple truth.

I’m trying to give the benefit of the doubt here, writing it off as flailing attempts to lend credence to a blatantly incorrect statement, without pulling up and diagraming the sentence like a 4th grade teacher. You can do that yourself, hopefully, but it’d require coming to terms with your inaccuracies so I’m not holding me breath. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

Are these considered "calling out" or "targeting?" Personally, I'm not sure what the threshold is, so I'm looking for clarification.
... I'm not sure that Biomed is the Monitour of THIS forum.

1pittsburgh1 might be better off to RTM a post over in
the Political forum - and ask those questions THEN
- once Biomed respondes to it.

Please don't use one of me-own threads.
Me-own posts are mostly abouve-board over there.

#### Salty
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I asked for clarification in a private discussion and the mod (not Biomed1) did not want to give clarification. The rules specifically state that we are allowed to respectfully ask for clarification. I've respectfully asked, and I've given my two reasons as to why I asked publicly. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
I would think that means via PM.

If ‘calling out’ someone for making blatant, easily disproven statements is a violation of the rules, the rules should be changed.
What about this:

Is this considered "calling out" or "targeting?" Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
... Hmmmm... Don't rightly know.
Sometimes the infraction surely seem to be
in the eye of the beholder.

Prolly callin' another fellow "A RACIST" over and over
just might get you points though.

#### Salty
I'm not making a judgement on any of those posts that I quoted, other than the one calling me dumb, etc., which is clearly a personal insult and against the rules. I've just quoted them as examples, asking for public clarification here, so that everyone can be on the same page, and it can be followed and enforced evenly. I have no problem with following the rules. I just need to know specifically what they are and I suspect clarification would be helpful to others as well.
I would think that means via PM.

If ‘calling out’ someone for making blatant, easily disproven statements is a violation of the rules, the rules should be changed. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
If you feel the need to vent, gripe, or blow off some steam regarding a staff member's action or decision, we ask that you keep it private. Email, RTM, or the PM system would be the appropriate avenue to take in such cases. In cases where you would like to request additional clarity about a staff decision, you are free to pursue an answer in either a public forum or private means of communication. If handled publicly, post your inquiry in a respectful manner.
... Hmmmm... Don't rightly know.
Sometimes the infraction surely seem to be
in the eye of the beholder.

Prolly callin' another fellow "A RACIST" over and over
just might get you points though.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
This thread is specifically seeking clarification about "calling out" and "targeting," but who called a specific member a racist over and over? Which member did they call that over and over?
... I'm giving that use as a good example of what
might get somebody points.

### Salty
... I'm giving that use as a good example of what
might get somebody points.

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
I haven't done that, nor have I seen anyone else do that. I'm looking for clarification about "targeting" and "calling out," because if what I'm doing amounts to those things then every single frequent poster in this Pittsburgh sandbox is guilty of it too.
biomed1's Avatar
The original Post in this thread is a great example of Calling Out other Members.

When you received what you thought was a less than desirable answer from a Member of the Staff . . .

You post a Public Thread directly calling out the Staff member for the what you feel is an inadequate answer.

Conducting yourself in this manner is disrespectful in general, and specifically disrespectful to a Member of the Staff and the manner in which you believe they are performing their duties as assigned by the Owners.

In fact, it is quite similar to a spoiled child stomping their foot and demanding attention when they don't get their way.

The following is not permitted on the site:

Insulting Others
Targeting other members for attacks
Harassing other members, groups of members, class of members, etc
Disrespecting other members on the site
General rudeness toward other members on the site
Any of the above could fall into the category of "Calling Out" another Member.

The definition depends on context and the comments made.

This judgement is made by the assigned Staff Member.

The was a line in the "Kingsmen: The Secret Service" movie where the character "Eggsy" didn't feel he was treated properly or given an answer he felt was appropriate.

The character "Merlin" made the following statement "If you have a complaint, you whisper it in my ear".

Your post has done the following:
  • Targeting a Member of the Staff for attacks,
  • Disrespecting the other Members of the site by posting your personal conflict with a Staff Member,
  • Insulting me by demanding that I appear in the forum to answer your question.
These actions are not acceptable.

You have demanded that I appear to provide answers.

I do not believe that you will agree with the answer(s) given.

Nor do I believe that I have accomplished much other or than wasting my time and beating the snot out of my Backspace key.

Thread Closed