Frustrating search

I am a hobbyist who is new and only had a couple opportunities to meet with providers. I am trying to meet some verified providers but continually am asked for two references. I have one who works here in rochester who i met on backpage but none of the verified providers seem to know her. As far as a second reference the other providers either have retired or i saw them so long ago they do not remember as i have had to be very discreet as a result of my job and position.

Does anyone have a suggestion for this problem? A provider who will work with me on getting verified and provide a reference after we meet or somoene who uses alternative methods to filter clients.

This is a real catch 22. No references from verified providers- no appointment/no appointment - no verified references????
brutusbluto's Avatar
There are some here that are newbie friendly. Do a search - newbie friendly - and see what comes up.
Get a date-check or Preferred 411 profile...At least then your refs stay associated with you forever. Neither site is perfect some providers use neither but at least it's having something tangible for refs over just word of mouth between parties.
Thanks everyone for the suggestions. I figured some have traveled this road before
  • Laker
  • 08-25-2010, 12:48 PM
Alex, Man we all have :-) Good luck and I am sure all will work out for you!
HlavinKitheri's Avatar
Same problem, due to my own stubbornness, I guess, and basic mistrust for web sites that want my Visa. Always afraid my S.O. could find out, so I'm trying to build a resume on n00b-friendly girls.

In recent history I met with a CL poster and a dancer. The CL one, despite posting there, flies mostly UTR. She owns a legit business and doesn't want reviews. The dancer, for her part, doesn't want me to think of her as a provider. I know she's in denial, but asking her for a reference could give offense or provoke jealousy. So, the search continues! Good luck on yours. :-)
Same problem, due to my own stubbornness, I guess, and basic mistrust for web sites that want my Visa. Originally Posted by HlavinKitheri

Buy a prepaid gift card visa 0r MC or Buy a with cash and use it to purchase the membership...It can't be traced back to you since it's in essence like an annoymous Cash transaction with this method...If you do have a S.O. it cannot be traced to you at all
Niktu's Avatar
  • Niktu
  • 08-29-2010, 08:49 PM
I suppose that depends on how anonymous you mean. Last time I checked, to comply with the patriot act , prepaid MC, Visa, Western Union etc require identification to activate. Ironically the only one that doesn't is a money order from the U.S. post office.

The S.O. won't know, big brother is a different matter.
As far as a goes I've activated it under John Doe in the past no one's ever come knocking on my door. Perhaps its the store's I've gone to and no one was playing by the rules but I've never given my ID, it's been a purely cash transaction. And activating it was done via the phone they can't prove your name over the phone. But like I said if is too complex there are always prepaid gift cards that are simply activated under any name as well no proof required. Once a gift card is scanned at a store register it's ready to go if you are using it to do an online transaction they require you to fill out an activation form...but its a formality no proof of real ID needed you can use a false name and address and no one can stop that. Basically in effect it's moot paper shuffling or in todays world e-paper...But the card will work regardless at the end of all things as anonymous as it gets.