Hotels-Fake Name

NerdHerd's Avatar
Just wondering if anyone has used a fake name at local syracuse hotels? Paying cash is easy, I'm assuming they will want a deposit too. However, I would like to keep a low profile and make sure the SO does not find my name on a registration list. Do they still check your id? Any info would be appreciated. happy hobbying.
  • Aguy
  • 08-29-2010, 08:58 PM
I haven't got a room in a couple of years so things may have changed but I don't remember many hotels actually checking my license. The exception is motel 6. The basic chain motels have never asked me for a deposit unless it was to turn on the phone so I could make outgoing calls. If your SO is going to call every hotel in the greater Syr area you have enough problems that I'd recommend leaving town.
  • Aguy
  • 08-29-2010, 09:04 PM
I'd pick my hotel, go in ask them if they have a room and how much. They will slide a card over to you to fill out. Put what you want on it. Don't carry your wallet with you If they ask for Id reach in your pocket like your where getting your wallet, say you must have left it in the car and do they need you to get it. If they saw yes leave and don't come back.
NerdHerd's Avatar
Thanks. I don't think my SO would call every place in town, just trying to make it as unlikely as possible. If its in someones computer I always wonder if someday it will be found. The wallet idea is a good one. Thank you!