Never do this at a hotel!

If you need a good laugh today . . . watch the video below!

HAHAHA....I needed that! Locked myself out today and had to call a locksmith.
Could have been much worse.

If you need a good laugh today . . . watch the video below!

Originally Posted by Adrienne Baptiste
That almost looks to funny to be real, almost like a sketch from Monty Python.
Ever consider asking those guys walking by you for a towel? I guess when you are naked your brain goes into vapor lock.
I love that comment from the desk clerk - Do you have any ID?
Yes I've got it stuffed right here in my , oh never mind.

It's disappointing it wasn't a female
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Thank you for reminding me of one of THE MOST embarrassing moments of my working girl history!!!

My guy was running late and I wanted to get my room service tray out of the room.

Back then, I wore a diaphanous robe for him. It was a see through purple thing that barely covered the upper thighs. Nothing else.

I scooted the tray outside of my room and was trying to get it to the right place. And I locked myself OUT of the room. Pretty much as naked as you could be.

After a few moments of praying to whatever God that I was praying to, trying to do a Vulcan mind melt, anything, to the door lock to suddenly open, and summoning Saint Jude to help in the cause, I saw someone walk down the hall. One female was coming in from a conference.

She was a nurse and so I thought at least she was used to seeing naked people in various forms of undress. I was freaking out but trying to remain calm.

She called the front desk.

In about 3 minutes, a running-down-the-hall manager, a doorman and following behind was my client wondering what in the hell was going on. It's not like I could CALL him to tell him what was going on.

It could have been comical if it was happening to someone else.

So there is the nurse, a Sheraton manager, a bellman and a bewildered airline pilot looking at me, pretty much naked, in the hallway.

I was red faced. Dying in side. Hoping the Earth would swallow me immediately. I was willing to go to Hell forever. I wanted to die. Please, just let me be somewhere else. This was only a dream! That's it. The thoughts that ran through my mind, not to mention that it was likely that I could get arrested, was also in my head.

It was awful. I was thinking that I was about to get a review that was going to ruin me.

The hotel manager apologetically opened the door. Looked around at the whips, floggers, the 12 inch black dildo, and other various other items, looked at my client who I had NEVER met before (and would never meet again) and the hotel manager asked for my ID.

I still pretty much nude. With the nurse, the bell hop, and my client still standing there.

So I showed him my ID. Introduced myself. Still pretty much nude. Looked at my new friend and said that I thought it was time for the manager to leave now. More awkwardness.

He was relatively worldly but honestly, not THAT worldly. He wasn't really all that amused. At least he was single. I was still horrified.

But we continued with the appointment. He said that he had something for his memoirs. And that was it.

Ugh. Just ugh. lol


P.S. Later on, I spoke to that manager. Clothed. He said that what happened to me wasn't that uncommon. And shared a few bawdy stories with me.
And if I was the hotel manager, knowing me, I would have siezed the moment and asked for your contacts. I would have figured a way to extend your stay at my hotel, and benefited from your expertise. But, I have laughed, like I havent in a long time.
sparrow1122's Avatar
I wanted to see the naked man produce his ID....from his ass and hand it to the manager!
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
And if I was the hotel manager, knowing me, I would have siezed the moment and asked for your contacts. I would have figured a way to extend your stay at my hotel, and benefited from your expertise. But, I have laughed, like I havent in a long time. Originally Posted by abrashakim98
When I get back home from working, I need to make some grammatical corrections to the story above. It was funny, I know. And I need to watch that video from start to finish to see what happens to that guy.

I'll do that when I get home from work and am actually on a computer and not my iPad.

The stories I could share. Honestly, I've made some goofs through the years.


Thank you for sharing your story! If I was in your shoes (or, robe) then I would've been more mortified at having the hotel staff see my collection of toys!

You can easily explain having been locked out of you room in a robe, but having to explain the toys? Oh man!