Weather in Dallas- Today & Tomorrow[Friday] ??

Hi ,

I wanted to know from the folks in Dallas- how is the weather down there for today and tomorrow ? I was planning to drive over to Dallas but am not sure of the weather currently. I do know that it has been raining constantly for the past few weeks though. The weather channels are all annoyingly confusing - each of them has different forecasts - dont know which ones to believe.

So, what are the current weather conditions in Dallas for today & tomorrow - regarding driveability, flooded roads, etc. Hoping to come to Dallas and have an amazing time with the awesome providers !!

Thanks .
pink taco's Avatar
Really? Google The Weather Channel.
Really? Google The Weather Channel. Originally Posted by pink taco
Thanks ! I did google all the 3 weather channels - each one was showing different info - that's why I asked. And I wanted to know the actual real time driving conditions - the weather channels dont really give a very accurate picture on that . Dont want to be driving and then get stuck on a flooded road ! LOL !
Tetas's Avatar
  • Tetas
  • 05-28-2015, 07:45 AM
Hey, give the guy a break, he's looking for a Les Nessman "Eye Witness Weather" type report!
Just look out your window and tell him!
Dallas is fine. Rain is supposed to let up next week, but it's supposed to rain off and on thru the weekend. I haven't heard of any friends or family having to deal with flooded main roads in the Metroplex.

This report has been brought to you by the Hippy Dippy Weatherman. And that's the
Less Nessman Report: It was sunny at 6:30am. Now it's cloudy. More to come...
Now in Dallas for just a few days so have been trying to keep up to anticipate any possible flight delays.

On a local TV station early this am, the eager weather presenter said there's a 20% chance of thunderstorms today; they may be widespread. No local street flooding expected anywhere, except maybe in the southern part of the county just to the west of FW. Have no idea whether he knows what the fuck he's talking about, but figure his guess is as good as mine!

"Come on in, the water's fine!"
They have to make the news and the weather dramatic and interesting enough to sell widgets so their station can remain afloat.
I wonder how the weather was on widget day in Dangerfield's Econ class

They have to make the news and the weather dramatic and interesting enough to sell widgets so their station can remain afloat. Originally Posted by Prolongus

Same goes for sports coverage.

How to start the news program? "If it bleeds, it leads!"

For the internet and TV, it's all about mouse clicks and eyeballs.

Many people deny it when polled, but get off on gruesome wrecks, juicy scandals, and drama.
Thanks to all for your very encouraging responses ! This is what I wanted to know unlike the hyper enthusiastic sensational prone weathemen. Already driving to Dallas.
jdkees's Avatar
Flooding going on in... DALLAS Texas... all the warm air from the Gulf of Mexico... the creeks might overflow... wear your rain gear...

daty/o's Avatar
Best job in Texas; weatherman. You aren't accountable for shit. Just say 20% chance of rain and you're good to go. Doesn't matter what you tell the op; by the time he gets here it will be different.
Just wondering when, not if...the weather forcasters say: "This video we are about to show you is very graphic in nature and may be disturbing to some of our viewers."

"So PLEEEAAAASE watch it for our ratings..."
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
They have to make the news and the weather dramatic and interesting enough to sell widgets so their station can remain afloat. Originally Posted by Prolongus
I agree and think that Dallas is fine for a visit either today, or tomorrow.

I might think twice if the OP was asking about Houston. Or the Hill Country. Or even Austin.